Now there's a tease if I've ever read one, staying tuned!I'm still here just put the injection pump back on after having it set correctly for the turbo, finishing off a few odds and ends, mudflaps mirrors etc, back on the dyno may be tomorrow to see the results, also we have been busy with new product development for Canters so stay tuned for new products they are a first!!
With that amount of torque you should have a very capable rock crawler! :Wow1:
I am not overly familiar with the Mitsubishi engines, but I know similar Gen Isuzu's (4BD1T) had 9.5 mm plungers and are capable of delivering 180cc of fuel. Enough for about 250hp.Hi Adrian,
Not sure what size plungers are in the pump, but i would be happy if i could get down to 18.1 like your ford, yeep no waste gate no need at the moment.
Hi Alan
It's been a while since I last checked the progress of your mammoth project - mate it's coming along very nicely indeed.
Love those wheels - very jello (but same tyres I use) - does wonders for correcting the speedo calibration (2900rpm for an accurate 100Km/hr).
Like SkiFreak, I have both done the Steinbouer chip mod to my FG84 and I'm more than impressed.