Fuso performance chip



I had the following exchange with Volo Performance today:

John to Volo Performance
I have a 2007 Mitubishi Fuso FM 260 with an 6M60 SOHC intercooled I-6 turbo-diesel engine. Do you make a chip for this engine? If not, do you know anyone who does?

Volo Performance to John
show details 2:40 PM (7 hours ago)
We do not have chips for commercial trucks , semi's, big rigs, or 18 wheelers. It is being worked on for in the future sometime. We do not know who else may have one. Thanks.
Sales & Installation



I had the following exchange with Volo Performance today:

John to Volo Performance
I have a 2007 Mitubishi Fuso FM 260 with an 6M60 SOHC intercooled I-6 turbo-diesel engine. Do you make a chip for this engine? If not, do you know anyone who does?

Volo Performance to John
show details 2:40 PM (7 hours ago)
We do not have chips for commercial trucks , semi's, big rigs, or 18 wheelers. It is being worked on for in the future sometime. We do not know who else may have one. Thanks.
Sales & Installation

That is why I don't trust Ebay stores anymore!!



I looked on their web site in both the Australian and International listings, and find nothing about a chip for the 6M60 engine. Do you have any more information?

How's life? Where are you traveling?


daniel ruops

A pleasure to hear from you John. I recommend that you contact DP directly for information. Their website was not helpful to me.


I would recommend you check out steinbauer chips they perform best of all in Australia, DP chip I would avoid.


they only increase the fuel rail pressure, which overloads the pump and other components, the cheap and easy way to increase the power, some vehicles also have trouble with engine fault light coming on.


New member
I have not heard of Steinbauer chips before. However I can say I have seen 3 trucks now with the DP chip, and all 3 were working exceptionally well. 1 of which we installed here. I do not generally endorse any products here, however I spent much time on the phone with the gentleman at DP chip and was quite impressed with his knowledge, and research. The chip came packaged with very easy instructions, and photos direct from FUSO. The chip does adjust more than just fuel rail pressure. Without talking to the current customer we did the install on I can not say if there is any positive or negative feedback in regards to the performance and actual fuel mileage, etc. Point in case though is that from my personal dealings with DP Chips they really seem to do their research and development.


New member
The temperature issue you are having is a false reading. In 2007 we had an issue with false overheat readings on the gauge. There is a fix. It requires a diode installed on a specific wire. Email me @ kmtc4@sbcglobal.net and I can send you instructions, and a list of supplies needed from your local radio shack.

daniel ruops

Steinbauer does not make a chip for the Fuso FM 260. Also, Steinbauer informed me that they have no intention of designing a chip for the Fuso FM 260.

To my knowledge, DP is the only company which manufactures such a chip.

Thus we can buy what is available or go without.


I have not heard of Steinbauer chips before. However I can say I have seen 3 trucks now with the DP chip, and all 3 were working exceptionally well. 1 of which we installed here. I do not generally endorse any products here, however I spent much time on the phone with the gentleman at DP chip and was quite impressed with his knowledge, and research. The chip came packaged with very easy instructions, and photos direct from FUSO. The chip does adjust more than just fuel rail pressure. Without talking to the current customer we did the install on I can not say if there is any positive or negative feedback in regards to the performance and actual fuel mileage, etc. Point in case though is that from my personal dealings with DP Chips they really seem to do their research and development.

I think you will find all it does is fuel pressure, a disaster waiting to happen.


I think you will find all it does is fuel pressure, a disaster waiting to happen.


It would be really helpful if you could explain your certainty that the DP chip is problematic. I have an FM260, and would like to improve its performance. But DP seems to be the only outfit that (may) offer a chip for our engine.


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