Garmin Nuvi


you need to get in to the files (unzip) of mapsource that you downloaded and run the file MSMAIN this is the way around needing a previous version installed. You need a file extracting program to do it.


That method didn't work for me...

After doing some further research on several sites I found that you can do this:

-Download Garmin's Training Center software (mostly for those gps units you wear on your wrist)
-Then download the update to the Mapsource software off Garmin's site
-After having the training software installed it won't give you an error message when downloading mapsource

Then the files on gpsfiledepot work them and they will automatically show up in mapsource to be uploaded to your garmin

Marcie's Disco

Wow, I just looked at Nuvi 3750 for the first time. Looks like a great unit. We'll need a lengthy report on your impressions no later than 15 Jan 2011.

I'll be sure to provide my

Time's up TACODOC, we're ready for that nuvi 3750 review. :coffee:


Tour Guide
I finally got one.

Santa (my mother) bought us a nuvi 500. I found it for her at Cabela's online for $179.00. I like it so far, but I am trying to decide if I want to buy the topo usa 100k or start buying the states I would like to travel in 54K. The difference is mainly that the 54K is routable. I am leaning towards the 54K, but is much more expensive to get all of the states that way.


I started running a Nuvi far with the base map it shows most forest service fire roads and desert (dirt)roads....Desert trails and paths are a no go. I plan loading the i'll pipe in when i get them loaded. But overall the screen size makes it very easy to use.

Dave Bennett

Time's up TACODOC, we're ready for that nuvi 3750 review. :coffee:

First let me say I hated Garmin and their expensive proprietary software (bad experience with my first GPS) before I bought this one so I was very skeptical right from the get go and mainly bought this one based on Magellan's recent switch from NAVTEQ to TeleAtlas (the mapping software service that TomTom uses). I really like the old NAVTEQ driven Maggellan crossover that I have but it was time to get a newer unit and now Garmin is the only maker with NAVTEQ maps... anyway, here's a quick rundown:

1. Best GPS I've ever used. Easy user interface.
2. Has maps of US, Canada, and Mexico built in. Planning a trip to Panama? No problem, basic worldmap with major highways and such built in. Can scroll across the globe.
3. Off road applicable. For example, it shows every trail in Death Valley to include Mengel Pass and the trail to the Briggs and Stone cabins! Looking for Mikes Sky Rancho? No problem. VERY impressive IMO.
4. Can enter lat/long coords and route to them, turn by turn only works on named/numbered roads.
5. Can pre-load your trips (up to 10 lat/long coord waypoints IIRC) before you leave, and have multiple pre-loaded trips saved in advance.
6. "Where am I" feature gives you instant lat/long, elevation etc.
7. "Bread crumbs" - When this feature is turned on it leaves a green crayon trail behind you showing everywhere you have driven. I've left this on for a few days now, pretty cool feature.
8. Mini SD capability for expanded memory or additional maps (haven't got that far yet).
9. Unit is very thin and light, can mount just about anywhere IMO (not weather proof though), excellent screen and daylight readability.

I give this GPS 4 out of 5 stars :costumed-smiley-007
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Well I broke down and finally bought a GPS. Bestbuy had a "bundle" for 99 bucks for the Garmin Nuvi 255WT, the T is for traffic.
I am in the process of doing my 1 time upgrade to navigator 2011 and I have the info from gpsfiledepot ready to go as soon as this updates.

I also went ahead and bought a 8gb SD card. The USB cord used for this Garmin is the same as my HTC and my digital camera. That in itself is a plus.


Expedition Leader
... I am trying to decide if I want to buy the topo usa 100k or start buying the states I would like to travel in 54K. The difference is mainly that the 54K is routable. I am leaning towards the 54K, but is much more expensive to get all of the states that way.

I bought the Topo USA 100K several Garmins ago, and it was pretty useless for off-road nav, the contour interval was just too big most all of the time. Don't waste your money; save up for the 1:24,000 topos by area.


New member
I bought the Nuvi 500 because it accepts topo maps and has an card slot to add more data. It works great and is easy to use. I got it at West Marine on clearance for $140. DEAL!

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