Gear like MaxTrax maybe cheaper in the long run than this alternative


It's an overall sad commentary of many folks that we share our public lands with.

I recently posted about a trip I enjoyed to New Mexico. One of the special places we visited was the N.P.S. Petroglyph National Monument. I was reluctant to post images of the ancient artwork that had modern vandalism done to it.

Seeing damage like this just wounds my soul:

As I roam the lands in my truck camper, I often have to evaluate a trail/road/area and make a responsible overlanding assessment. It's not just an assessment about "getting stuck". It also includes "am I going to damage the land excessively". There are times the right move is to stop and go no further.


It's an overall sad commentary of many folks that we share our public lands with.

I recently posted about a trip I enjoyed to New Mexico. One of the special places we visited was the N.P.S. Petroglyph National Monument. I was reluctant to post images of the ancient artwork that had modern vandalism done to it.

Seeing damage like this just wounds my soul:

As I roam the lands in my truck camper, I often have to evaluate a trail/road/area and make a responsible overlanding assessment. It's not just an assessment about "getting stuck". It also includes "am I going to damage the land excessively". There are times the right move is to stop and go no further.
You know thats just grafitti, right?


If it weren’t for the Sierra Club, National Parks likely wouldn’t exist, and neither would public lands. The whole country would be like Texas. They basically have no public land because ‘freedom’.
NPs are pretty much useless to me already because of the crowds and rules. Camping on wide open BLM and NF in the west is just so nice!


Heretic Car Camper
I like seeing petroglyphs, and it inflames me to see it damaged in any way, but I never forget that it IS essentially ancient graffiti. Sometimes I think the Science community puts too much emphasis on trying to interpret what it means. It may not mean anything at all. It many have been some kid doodling while avoiding skinning out that Mammoth.... Excluding the gang shiat and Banksy how much of modern graffiti means anything beyond the person making it expressing themselves?

Yellowstone was the first US National Park, 1872. The Sierra Club was founded in 1892. The idea that we owe National Parks to the Sierra Club is preposterous. Not to mention erroneous. We owe the NPS to many people, but it was President Grant who signed it into law. That the SC has had an influence on the NPS is without a doubt, but we don't owe the NPS system to the SC.


Grumpy Old Man
First 'National Park' designation belongs to Yellowstone but earlier Arkansas Hot Springs were designated 'National Reservation' in 1832 (became a National Park in 1921) and 'Yosemite valley and the Marisopa Grove' was deeded by the US Congress to California as a state park in 1864 (became a national park in 1890 along with Sequoia and General Grant, part of Kings Canyon).


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
A big shout out 👍🏻 to John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt for our parks too!
The Miwok may strongly disagree.

A book on the topic that may be of interest is Conservation Refugees by Mark Dowie.

Fact is Muir's SIerra Club continued to vote until 1920 to allow only white members. He was an unabashed racist and his club is kind of a good model of an organization being historically and systemically so.

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