about the comparison video: Swiss Alps? Wonder where, there is no such thing a legal wheeling, (except for the farmers or forrestry service, and the army).
That comparison is a joke. The Hummer is a 92 to 95 model, to lock up the diffs (Torsens) the driver needs to learn how to BTM. One can drive a BTM truck anywhere, a locker truck goes. Granted it is hard on the drivetrain. That fellow in the movie is lucky he didnt bust a halfshaft. Tirespinning in a heavy Hummer is a big NO. This is just drivererror. There is nothing difficult on that "trail".
On lockers and Hummer, that depends on the year, they went from BTM, to TT4 (because of the mandated heavy duty truck ABS), then to rearlocker (and TT4), then to rear and front (and TT4). The 2s or 3s have rearlockers, the new 3 will have a front also (plus auto traction control).