I agree with Scott on pretty much everything, but have a slightly different experience. I've wheeled w/H2ers who converted from a Rubi/Yota/etc. - the primary reason is, to be honest, the same as many soccer moms - comfort and convenience.
If you've got a family, but like to wheel (or just camp in way out places), you will be hard pressed to find a family-friendly vehicle that is as comfortable as a H2, but also has the capability to go 90% of everywhere. Throw 2 kids and 2 dogs + camping gear in a Rubi and I guarantee it won't be comfortable (trust me I know, my wife has a JK). On long trips, my H3 is cramped too - mid-size vehicles and families camping aren't all that fun on long trips...and what else is there? Range rover, G55, and ???? Sorry, even used those are out of my price range and still too small imho...
So yeah, there are the blingers - waaaay too many of them, but they also drive escalades, suburbans, navigators, etc. I cringed when my mom went out and bought a '07 Tahoe and immediately had it lowered w/20s and low profile tires - she's 60! :yikes: Bling is a societal problem - Hummers are just to symptoms - the real infection goes much deeper
As for the H3, I believe they are planning diesel. They have already announced a V6 in 2010 (IIRC) to replace the I5 (finally!). Combine the new engines with the H3t, and you have a strong platform that should be around for awhile. Not as many offerings, but the ones that will stick around are solid.
Oh yeah, I drove a 1983 yota pickup (2200R egine) for 3 years in high school in the late 80s. Beat the heck out of it, had to replace the motor, radiator, and numerous other doodads. Drove my 91 cherokee for 100k+, never had anything wrong with it except exhaust manifold leak & water pump, drove my 88 suburban for 50k+ miles to Alaska and back, lots of off road - beat the hell out of it and only had a pinhole leak in the radiator...my H3 has 45k miles on it, was a 1st run vehicle, and I've only had a couple trips to the dealer. And I've beat the hell out of it too (not just rock crawling, but lots of washboard, off road, curbrashes, mallcrawling, wet dogs, kids spilling junk food in the back seats, towing trailers, wood, a honda civic, boats, hauling lumber, you name it)
I wonder, is the reason so many yotas, nissans, honda's etc. show up on the 'best quality' awards is because people only drive them back and forth to work? Maybe the reason GM/Ford/Dodge get such a bad rap is because they sell a lot of trucks that all get abused so require more warranty (and post-warranty) work...
(note, the above paragraph was written to explicity upset some forum users. it was intended solely for humorous purposes and should not be taken to reflect the opinions of this poster. personally i think that all those sissy import vehicles look very nice on the cover of car and driver magazine all parked in a row on a grass field)