Go big or go home:


Well-known member
Behr's top of the line flat exterior house paint, in the correct U.S. military woodland green. It closely approximates the military CARC (Chemical Agent Resistant Coating), without any of the hazmat concerns.

When we pulled up to the house tonight in the dark, it was all but invisible...
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Well-known member
We were also able to lay down the first coat of epoxy on the floor inside. We hope to lay down a second coat tomorrow.

We also want to do a little prep work and paint the drawbridge tomorrow...


Well-known member
I like it! What paint did you use?

Looks like FNG green! :cool:

Behr's top of the line flat exterior house paint, in the correct U.S. military woodland green. It closely approximates the military CARC (Chemical Agent Resistant Coating), without any of the hazmat concerns. ...
I was right! :cool:

Looks good!

Safe traveling! :)
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Well-known member
Drawbridge weatherstripping showed up.

We also picked up the nuts, bolts, and washers to mount the drawbridge hinge.

Hoping the weather will give us an opportunity to mount the drawbridge hinge over the next couple of days.

Once the drawbridge hinge is mounted, we can start road testing the vehicle and changing the gear oil in the planetary hubs.

We're only about two weeks from moving to Texas...


Well-known member
Drawbridge weatherstripping showed up.

We also picked up the nuts, bolts, and washers to mount the drawbridge hinge.

Hoping the weather will give us an opportunity to mount the drawbridge hinge over the next couple of days.

Once the drawbridge hinge is mounted, we can start road testing the vehicle and changing the gear oil in the planetary hubs.

We're only about two weeks from moving to Texas...
When people ask what it is like having a drawbridge on your camper, just tell them that the drawbridge has its ups and downs. :cool:

Jokes like that might make some people come unhinged. :unsure: ... :cool:

Safe travelling! :)


Well-known member
Drawbridge weatherstripping showed up.

We also picked up the nuts, bolts, and washers to mount the drawbridge hinge.

Hoping the weather will give us an opportunity to mount the drawbridge hinge over the next couple of days.

Once the drawbridge hinge is mounted, we can start road testing the vehicle and changing the gear oil in the planetary hubs.

We're only about two weeks from moving to Texas...
Got picks of the weatherstripping you chose.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Cool, I was looking at the same one for my truck camper pop to do was curious. Thanks for the info.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

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