well I found the carpet....Walmart area rug...5x7 will do the back from wheelwell to engine cover...$20...and a smaller one cut to fit the fronts...probaly will have about $30 in ALL the carpet...:wings:
and I found the right sized foglights...I wanted to use hella 500's driving light...Ive had several sets..and they are awsome!!...but I pulled a spare out..its TINY compared to the front of the van...
after lookin...and lookin...daystar 8 1/2's....lightforce...
STUMBLED across Hella 700's!!... 8.5 light...and the performace I know!!..and ODDLY....$10 CHEAPER than the 500's!!
$74 for the PAIR!!
EDIT...actually...I found a 10% off coupon!!!... so they are $65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ordering friday!!...and carpet..and insulation!!...getter buttoned back up soon!!
and I found the right sized foglights...I wanted to use hella 500's driving light...Ive had several sets..and they are awsome!!...but I pulled a spare out..its TINY compared to the front of the van...
after lookin...and lookin...daystar 8 1/2's....lightforce...
STUMBLED across Hella 700's!!... 8.5 light...and the performace I know!!..and ODDLY....$10 CHEAPER than the 500's!!
$74 for the PAIR!!
EDIT...actually...I found a 10% off coupon!!!... so they are $65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ordering friday!!...and carpet..and insulation!!...getter buttoned back up soon!!
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