I am trying to come up with a plan for something similiar. Is 4' the overall length? Just wondering if that would be long enough to sleep comfortably?
I am thinking of doing two benches , one on either side, that would pull together to make the full width a sleeping area.
Anyways.. looks good man!
its 4ft'6...and the section at the end between the frame and the door will be overtop of the 12vt fridge thats 20in tall x18 wide (padding will be 2in thick on this part)...so it will be 6ft overall..(perfect fer sleepin!!)..
alrighty folks...heres the rest of the planned storage lockers...still have a TON of room on the driveside behind the back driver capt chair (about 3ft!)
the cabinets are 2ft tall..18in wide..and around 12in deep...the backs were cut out to use the wasted space behind them (4in deep)..DANG just noticed I forgot to pull the stock speaker frame...its gonna come out during final install..
I've listened to everybody say they dont have enough storage..so with the bed frame (4x18tallx30 deep-with extra 4in behind the stock trim)..
the grey cabinets give 6cuft for the pair..(guess-timating for wheel and filler humps...)
bed is 14cuft (again removing wheel-hump)...
with the bed slid in theres a 2ft isle..with it out its about 8in..
I decided to load stuff I know we will regularly haul into the bed storage...
inside includes...
big toolbag(bout the size of 2 standard toolboxes stacked.)
2 gal jugs..water and oil
hydraulic floor jack
jumper cables in bag
2 kids folding chairs
1 kids folding nest chair
1 adult folding chair
15ft coil airhose..
and theres enough room left over that we figure all our bedding and most all of our cloths will fit in there...
the fridge will go where the milk crate is (between bed and back door)..so the cabinets will probably be food and games..and whatever else we start carrying with us..
UPON reading all what I posted...I guess I forgot to discribe the sleeping area....
the 12 volt fridge will go between the bed and the back doors...its 20in tall so the foam will have a 2in thickness overtop that area (18 wide)..thats the end for your feet...the entire platform area is 4ft 6in long..46in wide..with the section over the fridge and a little slide platform that will support the section that the fridge isnt under it makes the entire bed 6ft long and just shy of 4ft wide..3in shorter but 10in wider than a standard twin bed..
I had been concerned about the beds width (due to MY width) being too much in the back..I wasnt sure how much actual space there would be for hauling the 55gal drums of WVO when its collecting time....but with everything mocked in place I see I could build the slide so that its a 60in wide bed...making it a queensized width just 6ft long..(which may happen just have to make a 3rd cushion to fill it)..