gtrv style homebuilt van


welp with christmas around the corner..figured a little update might be nice...

I ordered some blue LED lightpods for accent lights in the van (to find stuff on the floors and be able to kinda see the kids in the back...)...

well it turns out that 8 is 4 TOO MANY!!! I added 4 to my wrangler unlimited...and man..its hard to get pictures that show how BRIGHT these are!!!...for $30 I suggest getting some!!!

also ordered some white ones for the door sills and the rear cargo...(to work with the domelight/doors)

fer $16...havent shown up yet...(lemme go check the front door..)

and since camplab doesnt do 10ft'rs...and I found a coupon fo 20% off..saved myself $58 on the new bag awning!!

thats about it for the day....gotta do some work on the front bumper...the outters are too im gonna cuttem off and build some bigger bambi-bumpers..:chef::elkgrin:


well...JC whittney aint playin around with shipping!!!

its mocked in place...I need to get a lenght of awning bracket (that mounts on the side of trailers...)

all in all...sweet awning!!

its PERFECT height for the van...the legs are maxed out...and there a pic of my fatness (5'10 tall) for referance...10x7..very easy to use!

aluminum brackets..vinal awning..





2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
very nice home are going to have some great adventures in that rig...
keep it coming.


got the interior lights installed...

entry lights..(gotta get a new dome-light bulb..and some extra domelights..)


inside with entry lights on...

just accent lights...



New member
Outstanding ! I'm stealing some of your ideas for my 89cw. Great job on it. I'm not nearly as ambitious as you. Mine is a california van, so rust is not an issue. I wish I would have photo documented my project. And I agree with you, have lots of baggies and a good sharpie in you pocket ! Have you seen the Fiamma awnings, if so, what is your opinion on them ? I know they are $$ but I really like the quality. Again great job....I'm very impressed.


Outstanding ! I'm stealing some of your ideas for my 89cw. Great job on it. I'm not nearly as ambitious as you. Mine is a california van, so rust is not an issue. I wish I would have photo documented my project. And I agree with you, have lots of baggies and a good sharpie in you pocket ! Have you seen the Fiamma awnings, if so, what is your opinion on them ? I know they are $$ but I really like the quality. Again great job....I'm very impressed.

fortunatly for me last winter..ur..2 winters ago I got her in the old garage and did the MINOR bodywork..not much rust at all...she's origonaly from seattle..then all across the southern states (per the fillup records and some receipts I have)...then south carolina...then somehow onto ohio...

I think I may be the ONLY person to ever drive her in roadsalt..:Wow1:

I have a STACK of buddies give me some inquisitive looks when they discover a toolbox drawer that contains them..:ylsmoke:

I love the fiamma..but unless you order a custom one (per their store) cant get it in 10ft..and they are about $400....


great build!

i have my eye on a sprinter so i might steal some of your sound deadening ideas! congrats on the kid, props for having twins and still updating here!


OK...we figured it out...(after 3 days searching for a picture on here I gave up..if anyone can find the picture of louis's marron chevy express van with the oztent on the back...I will be ETERNALY gratefull!! ur greatfull...)

I think the Oztent is a killer piece of equipment...not as in-accessable as a maggiolnia...but sets up fast...and durable...

my downfall with it is the softside case that will NOT fit in my unlimited wrangler..(borrowed the picture from oztent review thread)

so in a moment of enlightenment (I think I was lacking sleep with the twins being home...)...we came up with this..

we're gonna get the RV-5 with the added porch sides...

and this (or something similar)

with the cargo carrier the softsided tent wont be in any danger and can be secured fairly well....

and the unlimited wont look goofy with a roof rack with just an awning hanging off the top...and a big bag hitting everybody in the backseat's head...
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well...this has been buggin me...its just not right...



so today I did this...all 5/16 plate..the tubing still needs will protect the headlights and grill..(standard bull bar style)



sorry for the delays in updates...we've had animals get earmites...kid get headlice...snow..cold..and every 3hr feedings..and one unscheduled day off work to get some sleep!..

bought a little heater...for the cooler months campin...cus my garage needs a REAL heater!!

put the rear swing away pivots in...sourced materials for it..(diffrent style hinge)..and got it welded together..and secured...still need to weld in the upper supports!! still have to paint and put the trim over the old access holes..




after 3 FAILED attempts to make awning brackets...I finnaly got the set made...they need cleaned up and painted..





Nice job so far, gives me some good ideas. I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. I just purchased an 87 Dodge Quigley van. I have thought of doing very similar to what you did with the sound deadening / insulation.
So, I have read a lot about using the roofing material for sound deadening, and have heard good and bad. I know it's not yet hot out, but do you expect any odors from the tar? Expect any peeling of material on the vertical surfaces?
I have used expensive deadeners from RAAMAT before with great success, but on a van it would break the bank. I recently ran into this site which takes a different approach to sound deadening.
Also, any plans to deaden the roof? Thanks!


Nice job so far, gives me some good ideas. I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. I just purchased an 87 Dodge Quigley van. I have thought of doing very similar to what you did with the sound deadening / insulation.
So, I have read a lot about using the roofing material for sound deadening, and have heard good and bad. I know it's not yet hot out, but do you expect any odors from the tar? Expect any peeling of material on the vertical surfaces?
I have used expensive deadeners from RAAMAT before with great success, but on a van it would break the bank. I recently ran into this site which takes a different approach to sound deadening.
Also, any plans to deaden the roof? Thanks!

I've gotten a little odor from the deadener..I have more odor from the carpet than the asphalt...

all the vertical surfaces were sprayed with contact adhesive to make SURE it sticks...the really smaller areas around the windows were not deadned as the areas wernt large enough to cause reverberation...

my roof area already has the factory deadener and headliner...but I did plan on doing the bubble insulation to the roof when we were going to pop the top..(and still might if ford doesnt start offering the diesel vans in the next 2 years!!)..

a couple guys had talked about just putting spots of deadener on large panels to absorb the sound without having to do the entire panel (think of it as a heat sink..just to dissapate it in one small area)...but I opted to do all due to the LARGE quantity of material I had...

Im acutally getting ready to head out and paint on the rear box right now...and do a little other work to escape the twins for a while...they sure are NEEDY :)


Thanks for the reply. I have had good luck with covering entire panels with sound deadener like you did. It was only when I ran into that site did I consider using small pieces like you mentioned to control vibrations, then using a heavy rubber or vinyl sheeting to actually block sound. Not sure which way to go, but it's nice to see your progress ans pics of the whole floor and walls done.

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