HAMBO build thread


Hi Eric

Still very happy with the paint! My friend did the same on his bus and after 3yrs and decent abuse it's still looking great.

5 gallons sounds like a lot, I've basically only used 2.5 for mine.

As for sanding I used an orbital sander with mostly 180 grit to remove the gloss or clearcoat but at the end I went to 80grit to "scratch" the original paint so the new paint could grab... also, I used a 15mm roller (medium to long hair) to give more of a bedliner finish.

Hope this help!


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Alright, I will do 4 gallons, so I will have some left over.

Thx Bro!


Are you building a pop-top for this one??

The guy that bought my mini-mod wants to build a pop-top of some sort for it.


Yes i am but this time I'm doing it from scratch. It's my next major project, right now I'm focusing on electrical and plumbing along with some of the cabinets.

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NICE!! I’m really curious about how you are going to do that.
Down the road...way down the road I may want to do something similar aim putting in an elevator bed to get it out of the way when not in use. It would be cool if I could pop just the back half of my roof so I could sleep with the bed in the up position at times.
I’m thinking it could just pop up like a triangle to accommodate sleeping. It would not have to completely pop up.
I’m still a long way from even seriously thinking about it Really need to focus on other stuff for now, but excited to see what you come up with.


Active member
I was toying with the idea of buying and old tent trailer to take the top shell from and then welding in 3" angle iron on the roof to be the "lip" that the canvas attaches to and what the shell slides over


I was toying with the idea of buying and old tent trailer to take the top shell from and then welding in 3" angle iron on the roof to be the "lip" that the canvas attaches to and what the shell slides over

I love that idea. Would be cost effective, but I can’t add additional height so my thought is to cut the top, reinforce the structure around the top of the box, hinge the back half of the roof to the fixed front half and have it extend up from the rear using linear actuators. The. Getting a canvas guy to make soft sides like a RTT.


Expedition Leader
I love that idea. Would be cost effective, but I can’t add additional height so my thought is to cut the top, reinforce the structure around the top of the box, hinge the back half of the roof to the fixed front half and have it extend up from the rear using linear actuators. The. Getting a canvas guy to make soft sides like a RTT.
My thoughts along that line would be to cover the existing roof in plastic (use vacuum to suck it tight to the body) and then lay fibreglass overtop. With a little careful planning a pop-top roof could be built that would fit tight to the existing roof. The increase in height could be less than an inch (depending on how much insulation was added). Done well it could be super stealth and low profile. I’ve made fibreglass and/or carbon fibre laminations that are thin yet very strong.


Expedition Leader
My thoughts along that line would be to cover the existing roof in plastic (use vacuum to suck it tight to the body) and then lay fibreglass overtop. With a little careful planning a pop-top roof could be built that would fit tight to the existing roof. The increase in height could be less than an inch (depending on how much insulation was added). Done well it could be super stealth and low profile. I’ve made fibreglass and/or carbon fibre laminations that are thin yet very strong.
I’ve also recently seen hard-sided panels used to make four season campers that pop up rather than using canvas or nylon which is thinner and colder


I thought I'd prefer tan but the green works great and the dents on the fender make it real!

Maybe I missed it, what's the height inside the box as is? Very keen to see how you work that pop-top.
Have you considered extending the box it over the cab? Seems like a "free" couple of feet there.

Beautiful build, I'll be following closely. Might start a similar project soon if the stars align.


Wow, turned out great Eric!

I've been busy lately building cabinets and spending countless hours planning and designing my next move. If you're like me you spend more time measuring and planning than bulding! Lol

I'll hold on posting pictures until I got some more done but it's slowly moving along. I'm working under a bunch of restrictions, trying to squeeze it all in a compact package...

As for the roof it should be basic and that's what I want, basic & simple so it gets used often. Similar to a Westy roof. My old roof had awesome room, easy to open but was more complicated to close. I ended up using it only if I'd stay put for a day or longer.

The goal for this one is to be able to pop it open if I stop for a quick snack and just as easily close it...

See ya all soon!

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