Help me convince my wife!


Guys, I need you help! I need a ujoint van but the wife doesn't see my vision. I think it would be more practical than my f150, plus they are ************. I would haul dirt bikes, canoes, kids (have a 2 year old and a baby on the way), dogs(2 boxers)... the list goes on! The pickup would have to go to finance this adventure so that is her big thing. Oh and she calls them creeper vans?

So what I need from you guys are pictures, videos, info and stories that could help my wife get on the adventure van train. Like pics of your vans loaded for vacations, camping trips, dirtbike rides, our anything else that makes your van awesome!
Thanks in advance!


Just show her the "pics of your van" thread, then go and do it anyway:sombrero: she will come around, my wife was skeptical but has def gotten on board and loves the version we have now and is even chomping at the bit to get the suspension upgraded and some fancy new bumpers!


:iagree: Just do it! its easier to seek forgiveness then it is permission! Thats how I roll, 18 years together, 2 kids, and she hasnt left me yet! I will never drive anything else but a FORD van, I have had suv's, pick-ups, etc. and all brands, but I have always gone back to my FORD vans. Here's mine, not a 4x4, but I get by without it(for now)!
van and trailer.jpgphoto 3 (2).jpg


Rendezvous Conspirator
Here's a photo from the trip where I finally got some kudos from my wife for building the van for her and my daughter to camp in:


The whole set of criteria for the van build was around their comfort...


My wife and kids LOVE our "adventure van"! I couldn't convince the wife to accept the cargo van though. We had to have the passenger van with windows. For all around versatility, it is hard to beat a van. My wife will talk your ear off about how great our van is for family travel so if you need her testimonial, let me know. :sombrero:



My wife and kids LOVE our "adventure van"! I couldn't convince the wife to accept the cargo van though. We had to have the passenger van with windows. For all around versatility, it is hard to beat a van. My wife will talk your ear off about how great our van is for family travel so if you need her testimonial, let me know. :sombrero:

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Same here. Vans are great for family travel. Much more comfort than a pickup or SUV. My wife really appreciates a comfy captains chair, the fridge and the porta potti.

We just turned 100k in ours, all with three kids and dogs aboard.

Good luck


I just jumped the same hurdle! Good luck. The wife hasn't smiled getting in the van...yet. But she will. The kids already do!. The amount of room and versatility of these is fantastic.


Show her the inside photos of mgmetalworks van. That will be an instant sell.

I agree. It's pretty sweet. Also, as stated above, we love traveling in our full-blown SMB with a fridge, microwave, porta-potty and 2 couches for the kids. The problem is when you deck out a van with all that weight and 4x4, it ceases to be an economical vehicle to travel in. Think 10ish mpg if it's a gas and a big monthly note plus a repair bill if it's a diesel. Oh, don't tell her that part, just remember it yourself. It's still worthwhile to us though since we have a comfortable place to sleep most nights when we travel.

plumber mike

I brought home an ambulance a while back, and the wife has not really had a chance to complain, since the kids keep her busy telling her how awesome it is.

It's not for me, it's for the kids. Who can argue that?:coffeedrink:


Supporting Sponsor
Funny because I've joked about making a video to help convince the wives. Some get it, some don't! I've had some come here and tell the husband to go bigger! They love the attention that the 4x4 vans get and I've never seen my wife more excited than when she drives one.

And yes, put her in a Sienna seat and its hard to say no!


Expedition Leader
X2 on an Ambulance, my kids absolutely love ours, we can't keep them out of it. They want to go everywhere in it. We were at the park the other day and everyone there was coming by to check it out.


Well, we have an old standard chevy conversion van, not a UJoint off-roader, but I couldn't get my wife out of it if I tried. She loves it for everything. She uses it for shopping and work (she sells jewelry at farmers market and does photography) and we use it for camping on the weekends. We've driven it cross country 3 times, well, I've driven it. She pretty much slept or watched movies in the bed while I drove. The UJoints are the same, just off-road capable. Mine is strictly a pavement pounder.


Our pleasant trip started like this

later that day after a 50 mile drive we arrived at camp set up

later that evening

and well we watched first season of Game of Thrones that trip

on the way out the van did great

The other vehicles did well also, however they were complaining about how cold they were, and they didn't have passengers and a dog. Every thing and everyone in my rig stayed warm and toasty. I can go on.

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