As updsate with pics tomorrow, Action Van 4.5" front lift installed, going from 225/75 allseason to 235/85 Duratrac picked up total of 8" lift, not sure how we got this much though. Installer said we only needed two inch block in rear so Action Van made one up with Ubolts and overnighted. Upon inspection I noticed van was not even. The 2" block and tires only raised the rear 5", so the rear is 3" below the front.
I will be discussing this tomorrow with installer, but they measured it wrong. I think I can raise 1" by adjusting MorRyde Rubber Schackle system, but still leaves me 2" off. I guess I can just get a 4" block or just order new leaf springs as was plan all along. As far as cost to install 2" bliocks, I think they need to eat or reinstall 4" for free since their measurement was off considerably.
Do I sound reasonable with them, they are great guys and do good work but someone screwed up measurement?
I will take as is to Overland East and stop by Ujoint Monday after to discuss having them do leaf springs and couple other items.