ajmaudio, I'll send you a pic of my bench. My own design, 2x4 framing, lag bolted together and to the wall studs, very strong. I used melamine-coated particle board for the deck, nice and bright, easy to clean, solvent / oil resistent. And the melamine serves as a writing surface for jotting down notes.
I know a guy that knows a guy that's a commercial reloader. ONce in a while he gets a bucket or two of written-off ammo. Various things wrong with its assembly. Not worth it for the reloader to mess with it, just writes it off. Can't even get worthwhile scrap money for it, 'contaminated'. So my guy has it stacking up a bit and offered me a decent deal, I break it down and keep half. Two nearly full Homer buckets, total over 100# of mostly 9mm.
I've been reloading for ~28yrs, never had occasion for a collet puller, didn't make that many mistakes

An inertial puller / hammer was enough. So my guy passed along his puller. First thousand were a real pain and problematic. Then I finally got the hang of properly adjusting the collet, selectively oiling it, and I even made a wood handle for its 1/4" dia steel rod handle. MUCH better. Actually working the way it ought, much faster and easier on my hands. Ive still got ~3600 to break up.The pulled powder is garden fertilizer. I've got ~7# of Red Dot laying around to reload my share with.