I have been using the old Merrill Wilderness boots for ages.. I bought two pair in about 1996 or so.. I used to fix hiking trails in the adirondacks during the summers when I was in high school and college.. Used to beat the snot out of your boots especially, tough terrain, weather, lots of rain, mud, rock etc...
This was right when Merrell got bought and I believe these boots might have been made elsewhere than the traditional Vermont factory, these were the first of the new ones (probably similar to todays) but the quality was actually good...
I never even got into the second pair until just this year when
not using them took their toll on the boots. It was really hard to finally throw them away.. I bet I had 400 major hiking days on them and many many long trips. They are back packing boots in theory but are tough as nails, so I used them for everything. If you can get good in hiking in them then you become a very strong hiker... Best thing I did was take them to the cobbler and get a beefier set of soles put on. Slightly more weight but sort of like a tough set of off road tires.. Not sure if they still make the wildernesses.. Luckily they fit my foot... Similar to other high quality boots of the time, resolable, good leather, broke in well.. The key was good boot maintenance.. Clean with saddle soap, let thoroughly dry.. Then put in over, and apply water prrofer.. I forget the brand name but they sell it in red and green tubes., green for Suede I think (IE use the red). Very good stuff, blows sno seal away. that said I havn't been able to find it locally (haven't looked too hard though, REI probably carries it) so I used sno seal last time. If you take care of a good set of boots its sort of like a Welder, should last you as long as you live usually...
The problem with good boots that are fairly stiff is that they are honestly hard to drive in. Back then I got used to it but it is still hard to get good feel of the gas pedal beneath your foot with them on. And they are heavy but you get used to that..
Anyway, the Wildernesses were out for ages right when Limmer finally started putting out their boots to the public (IE not custom).. I would probably go with these again.. This second pair of the wildernesses are pretty good.. I will probably keep them for a while. I had probably an old set of the Sundowners (I think) for ages, slightly softer sole that was better for easy trips and just wearing..
That is an issue when talking about boots for the Expo crowd...
Here is a link to them...