My experience with engines in general, and late model Ford diesels especially (I have a 7.3, 2-6.0s, and 1- 6.4) is problems generally don't fix themselves. If you have an injector issue, you have an injector issue, and it's not likely to go away. The best, most painful thing to do, is bite the bullet and have them fixed. Otherwise they are liable to take a complete dump at a more inconvenient time, and be even more painful in the process. It's my understanding, not related to direct experience since I don't use any, is Ford diesels are not especially fond of any "miracle" additives other than your basic fuel conditioners. Truly, your best bet at this point is to get it to someone that REALLY knows 6.0s (and the dealer isn't always it) and have it diagnosed. I think the 6.0 is a great engine, as long as you take care of it. But if you try to half-******** it, it is an engine that will take a SERIOUS bite out of your wallet when it goes down. Unfortunately, when it goes down due to fuel system related issues, it goes down hard, and expensively.