Expedition Leader
Large safty hooks. A lot of times straps are allready out or atached to vehicles so a quick snap later and I'm pulling. Too often sombodys wife, kid or inexperianced off roader fumbles with the additional gear slowing progress. This makes some try an obsticle more times than they should increasing risk. Also in a pinch like teetering on a cliff sombody can grab my line,wrap it around anything and clip it to itself. A winch is somtimes needed "NOW". Think of sombodys body part traped under his roll cage and you want him out. Throw your line around his rig and pull so he can breath or not burn to death. The one time you may need the ease of speed before rolling over or worse makes the hook the king. I can clip both ends of a tow strap into the one I use so I never need a shackle on the line end. Thats just more projectile mass when things break.