Pretty close, above the seam on the firewall is already the upper body color. Inner fenders, engine compartment side, will be the same color. End result, same two tone under the hood as on the body.
To paint or not to paint? I go back and forth on that. If the factory plating is still intact, I leave them unpainted. The shaker does a great job of cleaning them up, but if left in too long, it can polish the plating away.
Matt, the original plating is generally near rubbed off on much of the hardware already. So I make sure everything is coated with either anti seize or loctite and the exposed heads and washers and nuts are painted.
I hoard hardware like a squirrel. One of the benefits of taking in donor vehicles (when doing motor swaps, etc) is that I get to strip the vehicle for all its hdw. Most times the hdw is in nice shape and finds its way onto a customer's project, plating intact. And it's OEM to boot.
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