How do you carry your fuel on your trailer?

Two 3 gallon Roto-Pax on the trailer, and one on the back of the Jeep. Installing a 15 gallon water system in the trailer.


Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Fuel for the generator is stored in a 2.5 gallon Blitz jerry can on the front of the M101A2.
weighs in at 25 pounds with mount and full can.


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Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Sand blasted and painted to match.
The can was $19.99 off ebay and the holder was off of my M116A2 generator trailer.


Fuel/ water can mounts

Had a bracket bent similar to fuel can brackets on original trailers that were welded onto frame so Smittybuilt holders could be bolted on and removed as needed.010.jpg
Strap was welded to holder with small hinge and rebent to fit can. One water on each corner and 4 fuel on tongue.Trailer Test Run 016.jpg


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New member
Great Ideas guys. My next upgrade is fuel and water so these posts help a lot in my decision.

Do you have any details on your tongue box? I looks like a solar panel and some 12v plugs. Size and material?


Great Ideas guys. My next upgrade is fuel and water so these posts help a lot in my decision.

Do you have any details on your tongue box? I looks like a solar panel and some 12v plugs. Size and material?

Thanks, the build thread is here the box is a harbor freight #66244 2.27 sq foot box on top of a 3/4" starboard platform. I went with the lower sq ft and height box as I have a hi-lift, axe and shovel behind it and wanted access.

The panel is a 20 watt instapark panel that fit on top of the lid, I got it here: Amazon

There is a shore charge port, cig port and dual USB port on the outside along with the 6 position switch bank all controlled by a master kill switch inside the box so I can leave it at the trail head and not worry about people running the batteries down and killing the fridge. The panel is enough to keep the batteries topped off while the fridge is running and the trailer is not connected to the jeep. Let me know if you have any other questions.


SoCal Tom

I would only add that when planning where you are putting the fuel, keep in mind where you may be cooking. Probably want to keep the water closer to the kitchen than the gas. Looking through the pictures, it looks like that's probably obvious.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Few points for clarification. Water weighs 8.33 lb per gallon,gasoline weighs 6.0 lb per gallon.

Tongue weight and load positioning can be calculated into a trailers design. AT starts with a balanced trailer, or as close as we can get to a balanced trailer and then we create tongue weight. Tongue weight can be balanced by placing load behind the axle using the LxW=LxW equation.

Practical application of load positioning includes ease of access and protection of the load within the trailer frame.

As with everything design is a series of decisions and compromises. The end result depends on the prioritization of the designer and or customer.


Has anyone used the original fuel tank in a truck bed trailer? I've thought about trying it, using an electric fuel pump to fuel up the truck, or into smaller cans for gen or other use.

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