Great topic, not storing trash properly in bear country not only could screw up your plans, but the next person using the camp spot after you.
I swap depending on how long I'm expecting to be between garbage drops. <4 days at a time and I use a dry bag + kitchen bag inside my vehicle, longer and I have the larger Counter Assault bear keg. The keg traps the smells well for inside storage, but it can be placed away from camp at night and is built/certified for that purpose (bears can't carry or destroy them). Plus it works well as a step or extra seat. I'm almost exclusively in griz/black bear territory.
One note, with the Trasharoo style bags, you can probably do a bear hang with them if you are in an area with trees. Just look up the
proper way to do a bear hang before you're out there. Some areas don't allow them since people often don't do them well, the two tree method is best.