How Much Longer Until Diesel Is Phased Out?


New York City
Or do you think it ever will be at all? I myself am a drooling fanboy of older mechanically injected diesel and turbodiesel engines, but I'm not blind to the fact that diesel is a niche market when compared to petrol, especially in the passenger vehicle segment.

Because of VW's dishonesty governments from England to South Korea are glowering at diesel, with a great many, especially in Europe, looking for ways to actually ban diesel as a fuel altogether. Some in Britain and France are vowing compression engines will be gone from the streets by 2030.


It's like even governments themselves are determined to make me purchase disposable, electronically controlled gasoline vehicles.

Calm my fears. Soothe my oilburning soul.

Tell me why diesel will be readily available all over the world for the next fifty years.


Expedition Leader
What rot.
Diesel electric locomotives. Diesel tractor trailer trucking. Short haul diesel trucking. Even the eco-Marxists of the EPA can't eradicate diesel.
Then there's diesel electric power generation - try as they might to mandate electric cars, that juice is still predominantly produced via fossil fuels.
Diesel's one of the easiest petroleum products to crack out. Especially after more volatile compounds are bled off. like the kerosene that fuels our jets and lanterns. The benzene, 'mineral spirits', naptha and all the rest of the industrial chemicals and plastics feedstocks that our entire industrial society depends upon. Diesel isn't going anywhere. The eco-marxists will be cast out, before they can completely destroy our petroleum-based civilization.

/and before there's some heavy-handed phobic moderation, the politics of it ARE the question asked. They are the heart of the issue / debate. It can't be discussed without them.


New member
Eh, VW created diesel vehicles that passed emissions standards AND provided the performance and mileage buyers wanted.

Nothing wrong or dishonest about that, its called innovation.

What is dishonest is .gov attempting to create ex post facto laws and apply same, while dishonestly implying that VW somehow cheated.

Anyhow, diesel isn't going away soon, it will simply become more difficult - DEF, TIER whatever, additional taxes, and so on.

Buy used, keep it going.


Expedition Leader
I read a facinating write up by an engine designer a few yrs ago. He explained how the diesel engine 2as decades behind in research and development compared to the gasser. He pointed out that the diesel engine had huge potential in the future as we seek out more powerful more efficient engines. He said the clean burn factor was simply a tech vs design and development process that hasn't seen 1/50th the investment poored into gasser engines. He also explained the physics behind our current DI gasser engines being the final frontier of gasser engines given there was little to no untapped energy left in the cycle with gas fueled engines.

So back to your question? I think were in a diesel revolution of tech and development thats only just starting to get interesting. Yes diesel is her to stay fof some time given they are just scratching the surface of effeciency and power with current diesel tech.


When you start to see a decline in the heavy truck and equipment as far as new models, then there will be something to be concerned about. The only problem I see with diesel, and it's not a diesel problem at all, is all the regen and DPF components, and the fact that if you open the hood on a heavy you'd be hard pressed to see an engine block. New regs for exhaust come out in '17, and the problem is and will continue to be is the small shop owner, or small op/owners won't be able to keep up, you aren't doing much to the trucks theses days without plugging them into an OE diagnostic system.


As long as we refine oil we will need to find something to do with the diesel due to the fact that when you refine a barrel of oil you end up with X quantity of diesel,150 years ago when kerosene was the BIG thing gasoline was a waste byproduct that was a PITA for the industry until the gasoline powered car came along................might be time to resurrect the gas turbine powered vehicle???!

Edit I just saw a low time UH-1 turbo shaft for a good deal...........Maybe I should scrap the TDI project and start looking for a primary reduction box that will fit!
How does a gas turbine '67 Wagoneer sound????
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I have thought for a long time that a gas turbine/electric hybrid would be the new motive power.

In all honesty that would be an ideal pairing the turbine/generator combo would be quite compatible as wall as compact and fairly light.
Keep batteries and fuel low and along the center line and you would have an excellent COG.................The wife is gonna HATE me I feel a new project coming on. Think of the stack I could put on it 8" dia. and CHROME ..........all the little "coal rollers" would be jealous:drool:


Big diesel trucks have delivered virtually everything you own. That alone is why diesel isn't going away anytime soon.
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Expedition Leader
I'm not too worried about it, my brother works for one of the biggest and oldest petroleum companies in the US and he keeps me up to date on things.


New York City
I'm not too worried about it, my brother works for one of the biggest and oldest petroleum companies in the US and he keeps me up to date on things.

Does that mean you're not worried about it because he's told you something along the lines of, "Don't worry, bro, demand for diesel ain't drying up at all."


What rot.
Diesel electric locomotives. Diesel tractor trailer trucking. Short haul diesel trucking. Even the eco-Marxists of the EPA can't eradicate diesel.
Then there's diesel electric power generation - try as they might to mandate electric cars, that juice is still predominantly produced via fossil fuels.
Diesel's one of the easiest petroleum products to crack out. Especially after more volatile compounds are bled off. like the kerosene that fuels our jets and lanterns. The benzene, 'mineral spirits', naptha and all the rest of the industrial chemicals and plastics feedstocks that our entire industrial society depends upon. Diesel isn't going anywhere. The eco-marxists will be cast out, before they can completely destroy our petroleum-based civilization.

Dude, if I were you, I'd worry more about tin foil being phased out. I'd hate for you to go without your hats.


Expedition Leader
Does that mean you're not worried about it because he's told you something along the lines of, "Don't worry, bro, demand for diesel ain't drying up at all."

More along the lines of logistical maps for well production based on current and projected supply/demand, his job actually required a related college degree. Our conversations are far more intelligent and do not include the use of words such as "bro" and "ain't", not everyone who works in the petroleum field are mindless monkeys. And although their annual bonus will not be what they had hoped this year, his company is one of the few that hasn't had to lay anyone off due to the decrease in fuel prices.

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