How old before it's safe to take a baby on a 4x4 trip?


Expedition Leader
I agree with all your comments but are there any reputable online resources that have guidelines for this? Something I can point the mom to so she feels re-assured?

Uncle Roger

My oldest son went for the first time when he was less than 6 months old. Mind you, he slept through the whole trip, so it was nothing to him.

That said, every parent has their own comfort level and the first (and possibly most difficult) job is to get mom & dad to agree. Last Saturday, I came home from the playground and proudly told my wife that our 3yo had climbed up the top of tube slide all by himself. She was horrified.

Unless you're racing or something, most off-highway travel is pretty easy -- mild rocking back and forth (which kids love) -- so I wouldn't do the Rubicon trail, but I'd take even a baby just about anywhere else.


Thornton Melon's Kid
Our boy was 14 months old when we were roughing it across the UP of Michigan for 4 nights last summer. He loved playing up in the RTT!
I base it on motor control, particularly the strength of the neck like Walking Eagle mentioned.

We are planning a trip to Mexico this November and the newest baby will be 8 months old by then. (Yes do the math, baby is not born yet!) Plenty of head bolstering will be provided, but for the most part the trip will be on semi-maintained dirt roads (relatively speaking). No rock crawling trails to speak of, the only potentially dangerous thing will be a river trail which crosses the river some 20+ times. That trail will be a judgment call based on river depth.

Ray, you may as well forget bringing the kid, the mom's mind is made up! Or bring momma too and take her on and EASY trail!

Ok, so we won't be going to Mexico, but we'll be spending a week in the Chihuahuan deserts in Big Bend. She's already been on one trip, at 6 months and we all had a blast.

I hope the kid that Ray mentioned in the original post has had the opportunity to get outdoors! Start em young!


Headed into the Death Valley outback in mid-December with my wife and my 1-year-old son to see The Racetrack (where I proposed) and maybe Titus Canyon. Nothing too extreme, but definitely more than a phone-call-away for help if he got into something. Trust your gut, trust hers. Rather than try and push evidence on her, or ask her why she doesn't want him to go, pull her into the discussion - ask her what she feels are the criteria for your child to be ready to go have fun with dad.


Expedition Leader
Astrology is true in the sense that folks born at different times of the year have different characteristics. Foolishly some think it has something to do with the stars but in fact it has to do with seasonal climate. Did the mom get cold or hot during the last few months? Did the newborn get some sunshine or was it too cold the first few months of there life. These are the factors that make April or December born people like their astrology sign says. As far as your baby goes then you can coddle it, protect it and give it Ridalin when it gets older so it can grow up with as little character as most others in this country or you can have the kid be somebody. If you have to ask then it may be too late but if not then get that kid out there. If you want the real key to raising a kid it's this. Never ever ever lie to your kid. As soon as he or she finds out there is no Easter bunny or Santa you gave them a reason to never ever trust you again. Good luck with the tyke!

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