Hi all,
I just wanted to let you all know the status of the Bundu Boxes, for those of you who are interested and following.
The good news is, we have a very secure and reliable source for the boxes, and will also be looking at bringing in some different colors.
Bad news is we have had to delay our planned container shipment until the summer. We initially wanted to bring in a significant number by airfreight, but gas prices and freight costs changed that plan in a hurry. I'm sure you are aware that one is shipping air, so it gets expensive.
Thanks to those of you who have been patient, but hopefully you understand the circumstances. We still have a list going, and are happy to add more names and orders. As soon as we have a better ETA we will let you all know.
And just as a matter of fact; we have taken absolutely no deposits, nor made any promises to anyone on delivery dates. Just so we're all clear.
The plan is to have them in in a couple of months in some large quantities. And stay tuned, because we may have some smart surprises for you. And also, I'm working on the metal clips!