Hummelator Off-road teardrop build


Well almost two years now. Still making ( slow) progress with the trailer.

The biggest issue has been to coating on the shell of the camper. 20210417_124432.jpg

I've been doing some research on a better product. Came across liquid rubber. Wasn't entirely sure it would be the right product so decided to order a sample jar. After adding a few coats to my work bench ( overhead door panel naturally) 20210413_162132.jpg
I think its going to be the perfect product so ordered primer and 10 gallons of dark grey

Since we are coming up on camping season and the camper has had all year to dry out we started to strip the camper and prep it for the new product this weekend.

Decided to remove the windows, door, fan and lights instead of taping off and cutting in around.
And my new helper: ( best investment thus far)
Going to be priming the camper next weekend and coating the following weekend.

Going to be trying to cut down on the weight of everything. May change out the fenders and possibly the wheels.

But that's all for now. Updates to come.


So my timing as far as priming and topcoat was thrown off a little bit. I read the data sheet on the primer and realized that I would have to do my top coat within 24 hours. Well being that I was on call last weekend, I couldn't devote enough time to it.

This weekend now that I'm not on call I'm going to push for a primer layer (x2) and as much top coat as needed.

Well. The primer is very thin and I applied 2 heavy coats and I have Well over 2/3 of a gallon left over.
Started on the topcoat today. I've done 3 full
Coats thus far and I have 3/4 of a 5 gallon pail left. Keep in mind I still have another full 5 gallon pail full of product. Hopefully they'll accept returns ?


I think I may just finish off the five'r that I started on and call it good. I feel by the fouth coat it will be sufficient so finishing off the pail will just be gravy.
Probably won't start reassembling until next weekend. I purchased new exterior lights- wasn't crazy about the offroad flood light so I ordered some led porch lights. We shall see how they turn out.


Finished coating the trailer last night around 9. I have 7 or 8 coats on now and still have half a pail but I feel it is more than sufficiently coated.
Before 20210417_124432.jpg
I am aware it doesn't look super pretty where I should have Ground off the old product but not terribly concerned.
I am very happy with the liquid rubber product. And as a bonus, they accept returns with paid shipping so i will be getting about $200 back!

I will be leaving it to cure until Friday, then will start to reassemble everything.



Garage door panel all the things, coming from another door tech. Great that it has held together so well.


Had street sweeping so I needed to get the trailer back to a state where I could move it so I could get my truck back in the garage.
Today we started to reassemble.
Got windows and door back in. This time I decided to use butyl tape along the parimeter for a primary seal instead of caulking. I will still be caulking the edges however. Also re-riveted the clasp latch things ( can't remember what they are call. 20210508_164310.jpg
Today was a bit of a lazy day so tomorrow I'm hoping to reinstall the fan, electrical and the new porch lights.
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Curtis in Texas

I had a cousin that built a nice looking drill stem pipe framed barn and used garage doors for the walls. It was hard to tell what set raised up and which ones were walls. But talk about insulated! Even his windows were just normal garage door windows. Cleaver guy. Lost him last year to cancer.


Got most of the trailer back together this weekend.
I've installed the new porch lights
I ended up redoing the electrical boxes on the bakside of where the porchlights are mounted.
The commercial pipe and boxes looked a little gaudy. I was looking for some low profile surface mount boxes and found some at lowes that I really liked. 20210516_075553.jpg
The brand is legrand anD its the wiremold series. It's paintable so I spray it white, along with the emt running the wiring to my fan.
Overall I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
Now everything just needs a good cleaning and I can put the curtains back up and the bedding back in. Also need to put the fenders back on as well as remount the spare tire.

Should have probably painted the interior when everything was apart but oh well. Maybe next summer.
Also ordered some rechargeable magnetic dimable puck lights off amazon. Will put up some pictures once everything is back together.


Semper Fi
Bump for a great build!

Curious to hear how the liquid rubber coat is holding up and if good, where did you source it? Brand or Mfg?


Bump for a great build!

Curious to hear how the liquid rubber coat is holding up and if good, where did you source it? Brand or Mfg?
Sorry, been a while since I've checked this. The liquid rubber is doing great. I bought it directly from the manufacturers website. I would highly recommend.

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