If a hydronic heater is plumbed in to let residual engine heat run round the camper's calorifier for instance, does that go through the engine radiator too? Is there a valve to close once parked so burning the Eber for camper heat doesn't heat that rad too?
The way our system runs:
We have a shut off valve between the engine side and the Webasto living space side, the valve is only on one side of the loop.
engine on, Webasto off, valve open: engine heat heats calorifier and cabin(radiators controlled by individual valves(in summer you can heat domestic water only)
engine off, Webasto on,valve open: engine preheat, calirofier heat, cabin heat
engine off, Webasto on, valve closed, engine is out of loop, Webasto heating calorifier and cabin only. Cabin temperature controlled by a thermostat.
In summer the valve is just left open. In winter, closed when parked, open for preheat and driving.
This set up is also used on boats.