I haven’t used a hydronic system to take my opinion for what it’s worth. I spent a lot of time weighing options for building out my new sprinter. I like the concept of hydronic for the obvious reasons, but it seemed heavy, complex, and to use a fair amount more fuel and electricity than a heater alone.
In all of my other campers (propane fueled), I rarely used the water heater. Occasionally I would run it for short showers. Or just run it for a bit in the morning to have some warmer water for washing things. I use the furnace a lot though. It did not seem to make sense to be needlessly heater a bunch of water when I wouldn’t be using it much. As also stated, modern diesel fire right up well below freezing temps so preheating isn’t much of a concern. I also do not care to have air heat and water heat all tied into one system. If it fails, you use two separate functions.
SO I chose to install an espar d2, and I’ll be installing an isotemp slim square water heater. It is a 4 gallon water heater with a 110v heating element and a built in coolant heat exchanger. We tend to drive daily, so the coolant passing through will heat the water in the tank. 4 gallons of hot water should mix into enough for quick shower, hosing off kids at the beach etc and stay warm for a decent period of time. If needed I can run the water heater off of the inverter (not ideal but doable) or run the van (high idle option) and heat the water quicker, charge batteries etc whatever the case.
Meanwhile the espar d2 has been awesome. Programmable thermostat, sips fuel, low power draw. It will slow down to low heat and pump out steady warm air for hours. It’s light and small. I have mine ducted to an outlet in the front and the rear of the van and it is a very even consistent heat.