I can now carry a concealed weapon in Arizona... LEGALLY!!!


Lucky dogs you guys get easier gun laws and we get stiffer laws. AZ is a open carry state anyways isn't it?. Why conceal when you can open carry leagally? I remember about 7 years ago I was in pheonix at a in and out burger and some dude walked in with a pistol on his hip. I thought awe crap first hour here and I am gonna get robbed already lol.

Yes it is open carry, but if now if I need to wear a coat or some other clothing that would have covered my open carry I won't get busted for having a concealed weapon without a permit.


Minor correction. HB 2307 is the "made in Arizona" law. SB 1108 is the "we don't need no stinkin' permit" law.

Scenic WonderRunner

I Love Arizona!

OK.....real question.

What if you show up in Arizona with a hand gun that is registered legally in another state.

Can I still do this new AZ conceal carry? Or does this new law only work if you are a Arizona citizen?

I'm just trying not to scare any little old lady's when I go shopping at Bashas for groceries! A guy has to eat on the trail ya know!

I just don't want them to crash their shopping carts!:sombrero:



El Gringo Spectacular!
Gov Brewer, passed HB 2307!

I can also carry into bars and restaurants! (unless of course there is a sign that specifically prohibits such)

I hate to say this...

Thank you Jan.

Um...you might want to check that one again. As I understand the law, open carry in bars or restarants that serve alcohol was never legal in Arizona, and under the new law, one can only carry concealed into an establishment serving alcohol if you have a CCW, unless signed as a "no firearms" area by the owner pursuant to the sign requirements.

But then again I haven't had a chance to fully read the final version, just the previous bills.



I just carry under HR218 also known as the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act. Kinda fun when you fly into Chicago and can load up your weapon right after leaving the airport.


I just carry under HR218 also known as the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act. Kinda fun when you fly into Chicago and can load up your weapon right after leaving the airport.

That's the only way you'll carry a gun in Illinois. CCWs exist here only for LEOs and public officials. Of course, that has put a total stop to gun violence in the city of Chicago. :rolleyes:


Of course, that has put a total stop to gun violence in the city of Chicago. :rolleyes:

I'm sure there wont be a rise in firearm crimes which debunks the 'others' with that other point of veiw.

Not to get too far off subject, but I find it interesting to draw a comparison between this argument for gun laws (that CCW will result in a decrease in firearm crimes, or at least no increase) and the opposite reaction to legalization of recreational drugs (that legalization will create more widespread use).

Maybe it's not an apples-to-apples comparison, but as I said I find it interesting - especially since we had a little of both during this legislative session in AZ. Here's an article on Portugal's legalization of drugs.

Of note, I neither own a handgun nor do I use recreational drugs, so I don't really have a direct interest in either.


Expedition Leader
Not to get too far off subject, but I find it interesting to draw a comparison between this argument for gun laws (that CCW will result in a decrease in firearm crimes, or at least no increase) and the opposite reaction to legalization of recreational drugs (that legalization will create more widespread use).

Maybe it's not an apples-to-apples comparison, but as I said I find it interesting - especially since we had a little of both during this legislative session in AZ. Here's an article on Portugal's legalization of drugs.

Of note, I neither own a handgun nor do I use recreational drugs, so I don't really have a direct interest in either.

Don't worry, if you're hanging out in the same place as I am an an armed hooligan tries to do harm... I'll save you. You can thank me later.


If I can figure out how to conceal one of of these:

I'm moving to Arizona.

in texas you don't need to conceal it. :)


A precausion; A CCW is a get-out-of-jail-free-card one time. I had a CCW in CA and had it recinded for a traffic citation. If they pull you over for a moving violation it will flag on your DMV search and if you are carrying at the time they can recind your permit. On the upside, if you are carrying you will feel much more responsible and avoid trouble at all cost. Better to be judged by 12 than carryed by 6.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
A precausion; A CCW is a get-out-of-jail-free-card one time. I had a CCW in CA and had it recinded for a traffic citation. If they pull you over for a moving violation it will flag on your DMV search and if you are carrying at the time they can recind your permit. On the upside, if you are carrying you will feel much more responsible and avoid trouble at all cost. Better to be judged by 12 than carryed by 6.

That's a crock! And illegal, I believe. (unconstitutional at the least)

1: The DMV shouldn't be tracking who has a CCW,

2: A moving violation has nothing to do with having a weapon on your person.

I don't get it. Glad I don't live in/visit Kallifornia.

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