I got here as fast as I could - '04 Suburban Z71


Autism Family Travellers!
The 3/4 ton torsions do not fit as far as I know. if you have any information to the contrary let me know PLEASE. I would love to run them up front on my 1500 to take the plow better.


I sure will, I heard they were too long, but the stock bars set so far back in the control arm it looks close.
The GMT 400 bars are the same between the trucks and Suburbans, I know that for sure.

Boost Creep

the basic RoughCountry N2.0 shocks are a great improvement over the tired original shocks they replaced.

i ran the rc kit and the shocks were completely blown out in less than a year. hopefully they've upgraded the quality of them since i tried them


Expedition Leader
i ran the rc kit and the shocks were completely blown out in less than a year. hopefully they've upgraded the quality of them since i tried them

Define 'tried them' if you would. My use is 99% asphalt and some puttering on dirt roads and desert basins and washes, I don't anticipate any trouble with them.


Autism Family Travellers!
The shocks in the Rough country kits are notorious for being low quality. I concur with his findings. LOTS of people run the RC lifts in the Jeep world and the first thing to be tossed is the shocks. Also true with the F150 crowd that I know using them. So its probably a safe bet that the shocks in the RC kit will be pooched in a year. Same thing happend to my pro comp es9000s on my suburban. Lasted a year, then DONE. The monroe monotubes I have on now are GREAT, Inexpensive and have a lifetime warranty, have an issue, bring em back and get a new one! I would use them with spacers before spending the extra money on the RC shocks. The ride quality from the Monroes is WAY ahead as well. They are awesome shocks for stock and low lifted rigs.


I just installed the Cognito stage 6 kit without the torsion keys. I also chose the Fox 2.0 shocks. They're AMAZING!!!!


Does anyone know how I can rename this thread? I realize that I fat-fingered the title ('07 instead of '04).


This weekend we packed up the Burb and visited Mt. Rainier national park. It was a free weekend to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the national park service—so it was crowded.

Packing up was easy—just bring everything:

Photo Aug 26, 7 50 02 PM.jpg

Before leaving, I ripped off the tired bug guard. It looked like a unibrow:


The visitors center was a zoo, so we made our way down to Reflection Lake which was absolutely sublime:

Photo Aug 27, 2 50 18 PM.jpg


Previous owner lost the remotes so I ordered some cheap ones on eBay. They are not as heavy duty as OEM, but work great. Pairing was straightforward

Photo Aug 29, 6 27 49 PM.jpg

While changing the front wipers, I discovered why the washers are total ****:

Photo Aug 30, 5 29 46 PM.jpg
Photo Aug 30, 5 29 50 PM.jpg

I pulled the battery to discover that the plastic line from the washer pump is completely eroded away:
Photo Aug 30, 5 48 04 PM.jpg

The trip to Rainier uncovered a few items:
  1. The brakes are pretty bad. Going to do pads and rotor all the way around
  2. Got an intermittent check engine light. Bought a bluetooth OBD reader to pull the code in case it happens again


Got an intermittent check engine light. Bought a bluetooth OBD reader to pull the code in case it happens again

I've been a big fan of my UltraGauge. I can display up to 8 gauges at a time (out of hundreds of possibilities) and read/clear check engine lights. Cost about $70. Cheaper and better looking than the ScanGaugeII that I have in my Explorer.


Expedition Leader
Free Torque lite app on an Android phone or tablet, paired with that bluetooth OBDII dongle will do that and more. And the paid App has a lot more features. And it will let you view and clear codes. And if you're adding a tablet there are all sorts of navigation, topo, offroad mapping utilities that you can also use.



Does the torque app read transmission fluid temp (TFT?) That's the main reason I run a SGII.


If your vehicle has a transmission temp. sensor, than it looks like Torque Pro has you covered. There is also a way to add additional sensor signals (PIDs). I'm not nearly advanced enough to mess with that, though.

I'm not sure if the free version, Torque Lite, has these transmission temp. sensors listed, but I'm guessing it does.
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Expedition Leader
I've read it does / can, the app has options for a lot of virtual gauges for sensors I don't have. I haven't made a determined search or comparison between my '02 Sub and '05 Tahoe. Although my '02 does have the blank space in the instrument cluster for the factory temp gauge of the 2500 series. And upgraded clusters with a trans gauge are available, and that pretty much means the data for it is already in the bus. Question is getting to it.

I'm not yet clear if Torque Lite is showing me all the gauges it has, or only those that have matchign data feeds in my vehicle. I have however found references on how to create a gauge / PID -

But in truth I haven't looked to hard. I'm still messing with the idea of an A pillar gauge cluster. I want dash-mounted voltmeters too and I'm still considering my overall layout. So I might go with an aftermarket trans temp gauge. Also considering alterations / an upgrade to the fatory trans cooler, a relocation, and considering temp gauges both before trans fluid enters the radiator tank and after it exits the external cooler.

And that's another reason for a dongle and a phone / tablet app - they're totally portable. I can use them in any OBDII vehicle. Mine or even other people's. And once the driving is done, a tablet can serve all sorts of other duties. With my samsung 7" tablet in the dash mount I can swipe the screen and bounce from gauges, to a(n internal GPS) TomTom-like navigation app, to other off-road Topo / Nav apps. Or just surfing if there's wifi available.


Taking advantage of the long weekend to catch up on some more maintenance! Replaced pads and rotors all the way around with OE AC Delco.




Brakes feel 100% better even without a fluid change.

My parking brake is still inoperable. I bought a rebuild kit but when I got the rotors off, the hardware looked fine. I have the adjusters 8-10 turns but It didn't seem to make a difference.

At this point I'm considering returning the rebuild kit and taking it to someone smarter than me.

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