So, I lurk this forum as I daydream about my "bucket list" goal of really making an academic effort to get better at photography. I sorted the threads by views.. and didn't find much in the first 6-7 pages on software.
Just bought a new PC (laptop) that is our home computer (a basic HP w/good sized screen). Windows 8.
Own a Canon T3i with basic and one zoom lens.
Own a VERY cheap tripod.
Have an Iphone 4S for phone shots. No photo apps.
Last software I owned (still have) was for my last desktop computer, JASC product call paint shop pro (something like that). Not terrible easy/intuitive interface. Probably had power beyond my willingness/patience to learn (at the time). I'm at the point now where I think my professional/personal life enables me the time to focus on this. I'm also moving to Germany from Colorado (military) and plan to use my tour there to do as much travel as I can possible squeeze into it.
I've read the thread on here about Photoshop moving to a subscription service. Not sure I need all the capabilities.. will Photoshop elements give me the 90% solution? If I advance to using RAW imagery and more advance camera settings (primarily use lower-res settings and automated functions right now), is it enough software to support that? If I get off my ******** and take a night-class or lessons, are there better solutions?
This is a casual hobby.. not looking to drop a ton of cash on it.
Just bought a new PC (laptop) that is our home computer (a basic HP w/good sized screen). Windows 8.
Own a Canon T3i with basic and one zoom lens.
Own a VERY cheap tripod.
Have an Iphone 4S for phone shots. No photo apps.
Last software I owned (still have) was for my last desktop computer, JASC product call paint shop pro (something like that). Not terrible easy/intuitive interface. Probably had power beyond my willingness/patience to learn (at the time). I'm at the point now where I think my professional/personal life enables me the time to focus on this. I'm also moving to Germany from Colorado (military) and plan to use my tour there to do as much travel as I can possible squeeze into it.
I've read the thread on here about Photoshop moving to a subscription service. Not sure I need all the capabilities.. will Photoshop elements give me the 90% solution? If I advance to using RAW imagery and more advance camera settings (primarily use lower-res settings and automated functions right now), is it enough software to support that? If I get off my ******** and take a night-class or lessons, are there better solutions?
This is a casual hobby.. not looking to drop a ton of cash on it.
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