I searched, sort of, and still looking for advice on software for me... and my pics!


So, I lurk this forum as I daydream about my "bucket list" goal of really making an academic effort to get better at photography. I sorted the threads by views.. and didn't find much in the first 6-7 pages on software.

Just bought a new PC (laptop) that is our home computer (a basic HP w/good sized screen). Windows 8.
Own a Canon T3i with basic and one zoom lens.
Own a VERY cheap tripod.
Have an Iphone 4S for phone shots. No photo apps.

Last software I owned (still have) was for my last desktop computer, JASC product call paint shop pro (something like that). Not terrible easy/intuitive interface. Probably had power beyond my willingness/patience to learn (at the time). I'm at the point now where I think my professional/personal life enables me the time to focus on this. I'm also moving to Germany from Colorado (military) and plan to use my tour there to do as much travel as I can possible squeeze into it.

I've read the thread on here about Photoshop moving to a subscription service. Not sure I need all the capabilities.. will Photoshop elements give me the 90% solution? If I advance to using RAW imagery and more advance camera settings (primarily use lower-res settings and automated functions right now), is it enough software to support that? If I get off my ******** and take a night-class or lessons, are there better solutions?

This is a casual hobby.. not looking to drop a ton of cash on it.
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Couple of basic shots that I happen to have stored on line so I can link them...






I want to learn how to make pics like this really "pop".. both in the taking and in the editing..




and be able to edit stuff like this (ie: 'chop out the tourists, the orange snow fence..)


By comparison, Amazon is selling Lightroom at $103 and Elements at $59. Not significant if the LR capabilities are worth it.


Lightroom. Incredibly powerful and easier to use than any comparable software. And, it's pretty cheap. If you buy Lightroom and an instructional book, then spend a couple weeks using it, you'll be up to speed quickly.


Expedition Leader
The first question you must ask is - how many photos?

-- If many, then you should start with a product like Lightroom which has organizing tools. This makes life especially easier should you decide to shoot RAW.

-- If your primary goal is pixel editing, that is, cutting out Aunt Martha (or an old girlfriend) or putting you in a picture on the top of Mt. Everest, then you need a strong pixel editor, like Photoshop Elements, GIMP, or others. Elements has a rudimentary organizer that may be all you need.

-- If you want the classic exposure and color correction, then Lightroom is probably all you need.

Many of us end up with Lightroom, or, in my case, Aperture AND a pixel editor. (I use Elements as I don't need 16 bit layers.) I would estimate that only about one image in a hundred ever goes to Elements. I use it for things like greeting cards, calendars, and fixing group photos.

As far as TAKING good photos; that is beyond software!
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Expedition Leader
Bushmaster, I think you've got a great eye and a great deal potential to grow your skills into the images you are seeking. You are nearly there now. I am looking forward to seeing you post up a lot more here in the photography forum.

As for software, try the trial versions of ACDSee and Lightroom and see how they might work for you. I think there is also a trail version of Photoshop Elements. I think ACDSee will be the good match to your stated goals. Personally I use Photoshop CS6 and Bridge. It's not as robust as Lightroom, but I'm faster at it, so it's works for me.

I wish you luck and have fun!



You are off to a good start! As far as editing goes I personally only use Photoshop CS6. The subscription service is over kill unless you are a professional or doing a lot of video or graphics. CS6 will be more than enough for me for several years. Most people I know are using Lightroom and swear by it not just for cataloging images and batch production but also for its editing capability. Those would be my suggestions.

As far as getting better. You are heading to Germany- look up camera groups both in the military and off base. Find the military photographers and pick their brains. Online forums and Youtube offer a lot to both shooting and editing. From your images one thing I see is time of day- middle of the day and clear skies really suck for photography. Get up early to shoot sunrise and stay out an hour past sunset.

Thank you for your service in the military!


Expedition Leader
I forgot to respond to the "academic start" aspect of your post. Try so e of the videos or books by Scott Kelby. He's fantastic and makes everything seem very easy. You might also consider signing up to KelbyOne.com to access TONS of how to videos. Also check out digital grin (dgrin) forum. A lively forum with a lot of talent on it.


Gents (all), this is great feedback and I do appreciate it. I've never even heard of some of the programs that have been recommended so I'll have to check them out..

Photoman/nWoods: yes, I do want to pursue some academic/communal aspect to it. Just finished up an MBA at night school and figured that, if I could do that at night school, I could devote some time/energy to something I'm ACTUALLY interested in (;)), and the travel opportunities in Europe should help keep me motivated.

I like to hear that Lightroom has cataloging/organizational aspects. File naming/organizing has been a constant struggle for me (cough cough.. or my wife), as we end up with external hard drives full of images that are repeated under multiple folders, and 3-4 times a year I go on an organizing binge.

Thanks again, and still open to any suggestions/advice!!


Thornton Melon's Kid
I forgot to respond to the "academic start" aspect of your post. Try so e of the videos or books by Scott Kelby. He's fantastic and makes everything seem very easy. You might also consider signing up to KelbyOne.com to access TONS of how to videos. Also check out digital grin (dgrin) forum. A lively forum with a lot of talent on it.

I am a "newb" to the DSLRs (I bought my T2i in July of '12). There are 2 things I love taking pictures of; landscapes and concerts. The venue I frequent, I buddied up to the in-house photographer. He has been extremely helpful with his biggest suggestion being Lightroom. It works wonders for the concert pics seeing I am using cheap lenses in low-light. On the landscape pics it isn't too far behind in making some spectacular. Shooting in RAW is the thing to do when using LR though IMO but it helps other shots too.

I bought Lightroom 4 from B&H and it came with a very helpful Scott Kelby tutorial DVD. I got his books too recommended to me by Every Mile Is A Memory (Pat) and they are great too.

I guess I have been doing ok. This one is Miss November on the ExPo calendar this year (this is the crappy compressed fb version).


I Migrated from Elements 6 to Lightroom 5 recently and the transformation has been epic. A lot of people knock Elements for for most amateurs its a powerful tool. Lightroom is great for organising a lot of files, keywording etc and some editing. It does enough editing for most things but I am missing some of the other features from Elements.

The organiser in Elements is OK and you may be ok with it but Lightroom is far superior in that respect. Can you download a trial or both for 30 days and see how you get on? I would personally say LR 1st and then if you need it, get Elements afterwards.

As others have said, composition is there, just some editing skills now to finish off :)


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