BRC Funding (from Del)
Jonathan, I've tried to search for the group you listed as your source, Republicans for Environmental Responsibility. I could not find it but I did find, ConservAmerica. Is that the same thing? Honestly, I've never heard of them so I'd like to learn more.
And so the record is clear, I am spending the time to research our 990's and funding sources from way back where they must have found this, because I've been running BRC for a over a year, working full time for them for over 10 years, and I sure don't see those checks coming across my desk. Might be old news, but I'll verify for you.
Oh, anyone that wants to see how little money BRC has to operate with (our annual budget might equal the electrical bill for buildings owned by the Sierra Club and Audubon Society -- just kidding, but not really), here are our 990's and I sure can't find any mention of big donations by anyone: 990's are our "tax returns" filed with the IRS who also monitors our money like hawks because we are a charity (501.c.3). Since 2009, if it weren't for our BRC Christmas Auction and our individual members, BRC would have been in serious financial hurt. There are NO timber companies, mining companies or any other big business dropping big dimes on BRC right now. I WISH.
I've dropped other tasks I was working on in order to make sure there are no misconceptions about this funding thing. We survive only because of individual dues paying members and clubs who support us with donations from raffles they do. Again, I openly say it, with conviction,
I'd LOVE to have big business, big donors, big anything behind BRC or ANY organization fighting for our trails and access. And as Del, I can assure you, no matter how big the donation, no one is going to influence my Board of Directors, and certainly not me, towards any course of action that is not in the best interest of our members. So the real question pops up: SO WHAT?
So what who funds who? AS along as the Mission,Vision and Values reamain solid, and the members are being cared for in accordance with bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and the respect of the Corporation officers, who cares who is doing the funding?
As soon as my Membership Director gets back to me with a listing of the last time a timber or mining company donated to BRC, I'll post up.