REI is great, just in my opinion a little overpriced. I try to hit their quarterly "returns/ blems" sale as I can get good deals then on great gear.Hikers hike, bikers bike and wheelers...well, we wheel.
We all can share the same surroundings but when people lose patience with others Mother Nature seems to take a back seat to hard feelings and vented anger.
I've been out in Death Valley many times. And in all those times I've only seen one true hiker (no vehicle anywhere in site). We tried talking to her and offering her water, etc. but she didn't make eye contact and kept on going. Something about being out in DV by yourself (and being a woman) may have led her to keep her distance.
The point is the world belongs to all of us. Many take care of it; some do not. Most don't get off the beaten track; some do. How we get there shouldn't matter as long as we take care of it.
PS: I shop at REI and I'm not "an outfitted type in a hybrid Honda" :bike_rider:
The Civic hybrid group (two guys with that rock climber look, and two girls) had a big REI sticker in the back window(right next to about 5 or 6 older fading obama stickers.) All were wearing the rock climbing pants you can get at REI (the ones with those extra padded bits on the legs and butts). I'm guessing they went somewhere to rock climb, and the area was crawling with the omnipresent wagon circles of the off road yahoos types.