Import from Australia???

Exploring Elements

Supporting Sponsor
I'm very much considering flying to Australia in early June, purchasing a 70 series Troopy and shipping it back to the US in late July. I was hoping that the Expo community could help me figure out the feasbailty and details on this project. Basically I want vehicles for a RTW drive that are not available here for a reasonable price (70 series Troopy, Defender 110 or 130, etc...). I'm trying to figure out what obstacles and how much its going to cost to get a rig back to the states from Australia. Thinking about even bringing in a second truck to sell to offest the costs, and fill a 40' shipping container.

Also, any good sites to look for these rigs online in Australia?

Thoughts? Thanks in advance for the help:)


The NHTSA has a website with importing information and guidelines. A registered vehicle importer might be needed.
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Expedition Leader
Importing will be more trouble than it's worth, in my opinion. Your sig says you have a Sportsmobile. That would be a fine choice for a RTW trip.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I believe it's a great option to buy over there (ask me how I know...) but not to import in the USA, instead preferably to use Australia as your starting point for your RTW trip.


New member

I am taking you up on your offer to ask how you know. I am in the middle of a similar situation. I am about to travel over to Germany to complete the purchase of a Magirus camper which I planned to import back to the USA where I need it for a few months to get it ready to go. It is old enough and both customs and registration will work fine BUT, the few specialized vehicle importers i have spoken with have quoted me more than $12,000 dollars to ship it from any port in Europe to California. I wondered if the shipping cost was the sticking point for you and why you advised against importing to the USA. Maybe not but I am interested.

I also hope somebody has a suggestion or two on the best way to keep the costs of shipping the beast to a minimum

Your comments and suggestions are really appreciated and, Christian, I am very interested on why you make the recommendation.




Expedition Leader
I imported a truck from Brisbane to Long Beach last June.

It wasn't fun and was extremely expensive.

Good luck!

David Harris

Expedition Leader
If you are going to go to all the trouble and expense, it would be better to export one from a country that is LHD.


We shipped a '75 Volvo Tgb from Goteborg, Sweden to Newark NJ for $3000 just last year using Oceania LLC's RoRo service. Spare parts, tools, etc., all were still in the truck when it arrived. $12,000 sounds CrAzY high!

Ask for Susan Howard.


Expedition Leader
If you are going to go to all the trouble and expense, it would be better to export one from a country that is LHD.

I totally agree with this. I would look to Central America. Much more buying power down there. And LHD of course.

Last June I slapped down a chunk of change on the Aussie side. Then when the truck got here I was required to slap down another fat chunk of change.

To give you an idea of the kind of expenses,

-inland shipping in Aus. to the port
-pressure washing and fumigation in Aus.
-exportation fees in Aus. & broker fees
-the actual boat ride, I used a 20ft container

Once it hit Long Beach....

-import duties
-broker fees
-customs fees including a very expensive X-ray
-port fees to remove the container and unload it from the port
-transport from Long beach to Eastern Idaho.

I don't feel like posting what all this actually cost but if you want to know pm me.

On a separate note: I imported a truck from New Zealand to Long Beach in 2003. It cost 4x more in 2012 and that is mostly thanks to HLS.

If you bought in say Panama or Guatemala or most other CA countries you can avoid most if not all these fees. You can drive the truck up here or you could start your trip in the country you buy the Cruiser. FYI, a nice 80-series with a turbo diesel and low kms in Panama can be had for $10grand.


Exploring Elements

Supporting Sponsor
Very Helpful

Thanks for all the pointers. I have scrapped the Australia idea for now, but might end up just starting the journey from there. I'm still on the hunt for the right machine for my RTW trip. Looking into an imported '88 Landcruiser RHD 12HT Diesel high top right now. Why is everyone so opposed to RHD??? I understand it can be inconvient for things like toll booths, etc..., but really whats the big issue?

Scott Brady

Thanks for all the pointers. I have scrapped the Australia idea for now, but might end up just starting the journey from there. I'm still on the hunt for the right machine for my RTW trip. Looking into an imported '88 Landcruiser RHD 12HT Diesel high top right now. Why is everyone so opposed to RHD??? I understand it can be inconvient for things like toll booths, etc..., but really whats the big issue?

RHD is not a big deal. We have nearly as many RHD trucks as LHD trucks and even the toll booths are not a big deal. You will most likely have a passenger, and if not (if it is automated, like most in the EU) you just stop and walk around. I think if the plan is to use the vehicle primarily in NA, then LHD would be a good idea. If you are traveling around the world, then who cares. For us, the Northern Hemisphere would have been better with LHD, but now that we are in the Southern Hemisphere, RHD is better. It is important to note that some countries will not allow a vehicle with steering on the other side, like Saudi Arabia, etc. In that case, use a U500 ;)

I don't think Australia will be the best place to buy a vehicle, unless something there is exactly what you want, or you intend to buy new. The cost of vehicles are very high. Central America would be ideal. I know of people that bought nice 1HZ Troopies for $9,000. . .
Don't really know what all the fuss is about shipping a vehicle from Au is. I shipped a few and it was no big deal. I always talked to the owners on the phone before wiring my money. I never had a single problem except for a few parts being stolen. I shipped all the cruisers from the east coast of Au. Total cost to my door was always less then $3000. I thought all this was old news by now. So many people have bought and shipped from Au that I don't think they have any cruisers left over their.

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