Inflatable mattress: vertical or horizontal line shape?


New member
Hello everyone, I 'm Luca from Italy and I'm new to the forum.

In August, I'm going to load my beautiful Ducati Monster and to make the tour of Corsica .

Mattress problem: I have this model, but despite trying all kinds of inflating mode, I can not feel really comfortable , because of the "holes shaped" form.

Now my pick is between two models, which differ in the "direction of the lines" :



Here the link with info:

Which one do you think is more comfortable, in your experience?

Obviously I accept tip for any kind of model of any manufactorer, the fundamental is that they are not "holes shaped" !



Sorry for my English...


nomadic man
G'day Luca.

Although this one is no longer available it was very a very comfortable design.
Sevylor camping mattress, it was made of rubberized cotton like old military ones so was very durable, but heavy.

I don't know what is available in Europe for you but if you can find a military style one maybe it will be a similar.



Buongiorno Luca,

Purtroppo i tuoi links don't work (per me) but I will comment on your question anyway.

I prefer vertical tubes, with two larger tubes on the outside to prevent you from rolling off the mattress. I tried horizontal tubes and didn't like them---your body weight collapses the edge and you roll off.

Example of a comfortable, lightweight mattress: If you look carefully you can see that the outer tubes are larger.

Do you have working links for the mattresses you're comparing?


Grazie, addesso vedo i materassi. In this particular case I think the horizontal tubes might be more comfortable. Since the mattress is so wide probably you're not going to roll off the side. But they're both okay. I have the Intex and it's comfortable.

Ma due cose: 1) These mattresses are uninsulated so they're not so good in cold weather. For me the Intex felt cold below 15C (60F). 2) They seem pretty big for a motorcycle. No other affordable choices in Europe?


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Ive got several of the INTEX single air mattress- and they are lengthwise tube and pretty tough and good quality, but

I don't travel alone and I have a mattress that fills to 8" thick/w multi chambers and bleed valves so that movement on one side doesn't affect the other-

It's about queen size and works in my RTT SPECTACULARLY-



:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


Expedition Leader
mmmm14 euros....thats 10GBP

I think you'll get what you pay for..

I bought two of these for my family, when rolled its a bit big for the bike, but I can fold in half and use behind me on the saddle
it as comfortable as a real bed....I'm not joking it is well worth the extra money !

Exped Mega Mat 10 Sleeping Pad

yep its expencive for a matt, but I don't expect to ever want to buy a diferent one again, swallor the pain and buy somethink decent

to match your bike !


Expedition Leader
Only done weeks at a time on mine, but had a good nights sleep everyday, I'm a side sleeper and use semi hard so I get the hip dip in it
I would class it as comfortable as my house pillow top ..

Theres a whole thread here some where on the megamat


New member
Thanks everybody for replies, but I can't find all your suggested items here in Europe!

So I think I'm gonna go with intex deluxe with horizontal tubes.

When I'll be back from Corsica I'll post my opinion on my purchase.



The Exped Megamat 10 is great, but the Exped Synmat 12 rolls up MUCH smaller, is a lot lighter, and is just about as comfortable as the Megamat. I've been sleeping on the Megamat and the Synmat for the last 7 months due to house renovations and I've slept well on both.

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