Introducing . . . . . Father AbraVan!


Body switch

What kind of option is a body switch? Can I buy an 2002 gas engine van with barn doors for 5k, switch bodies for $?? and then resale it? Does the donor have to be diesel too? Just wondering how (un)realistic this is


Finally got my electrical issue cleared up. What a joke. One of the ground wires from the start batteries was fried to, mostly, powder. After checking every single fuse (FUN!) I got under the van to check terminals and saw the cooked cable. not sure how I missed it the other 5 times I looked. It's all good now though woot!

On my way to SMB in the morning!


LOL! I actually have a ton to report, my life went somewhat insane. My eldest daughter turned 16 . . . nuff said. The owner of the home I rent didnt pay the mortgage for the three years I lived there and that caused a move for me which is a pretty big deal with 7 children and more then 100 animals. And I thought for sure I was gunna get a divorce. I started taking pics this week and will update on the top within the next two days. 9' tall with the top and no 4x4 yet. Gunna be a monster. By the way, where is our extended hinge, Mr. Metalworks?


By the way, where is our extended hinge, Mr. Metalworks?

touché... :)
My excuse is that being in school again took away all of my free time. Well...and that the Cummins conversion takes up all of the "product development" budget for now. Having very little time is the biggest issue though. On top of my job, I typically spend 40-50 hours a week on homework and programming projects. Its a drain but I'm learning a lot.


Belated supercamper update

So my life got flip turned upside down over the last few months. I will spare you the non-van details and get to the fun stuff. WE LOVE THE TOP. Me, the wife the kids, we all love it.

Current height is 9' which is still good for most In-N-Out drive-threws(SP?)
I thought the height was going to be terrifying but it really hasn't been a big deal.
I lost a little more then 2mpg. Totally acceptable but still hurts. I hand calculate every tank unless I'm towing so my mpg numbers are not estimates. 18.75mpg was the old average with 70mph cruising and 60mph freeway entry speeds. Current average is 16.43mpg. Used to be able to get 20.1mpg with full grandma mode.

Fit and finish exterior 9/10
Color matching was superb. Really impressed. There is a stress crack where they put a screw in a little to far near the rear. I was unpleasantly surprised to find out they put the solar panel in the roof mount ac position. I was planning to put in the ac down the road and this complicates things.

Fit and finish interior 8/10
This is a tuff one. I have nothing to compare to as far as custom van conversions but was expecting a bit higher quality for my $13,500 top. That price does include the 12v system with 3 outlets and solar panel. There are places where the carpet is not pulled tight and or completely unattached.
The rear cabinet door hanging halfway down is more annoying then it would seem. The swivel lights are much too bulky for my tastes and were ridiculously bright and hot until I purchased new bulbs half the wattage of the old ones.

Since this is my daily driver, we use it a ton. When we are out my children can nap up top, older children can watch a movie and escape younger siblings for a while, or if we are at an event (which we often are) then I have plenty of head room for going to the bathroom, changing clothes/diapers, or making out with my wife(seriously). I opted for three bed panels instead of the standard two. For an EB this is the only way to go IMO. There is enough room for 1 adult and 2 children plus gear or 2 adults plus gear.
The side shelves and provide much more storage space then you would think.
For instance;
2 laptops
2 oversized umbrellas
1 high output 12v fan
the snap on privacy curtain for the cab
1 goal zero yeti 350
2 baby blankets
2 childrens blankets
1 pillow
All takes about 75% of the upper shelves and nothing has ever fallen down but of course I have down zero offroading

The overhead compartment in the cab is perfect. No complaints even at $250. Sorry the pics came out bad of that.
The fantastic vent is awesome but I would not purchase it if I had to do this over. I adds quite a bit of height and the auto open/close feature doesn't work very well. Sometimes when you open or close it manually the motor will turn on and try to open it all the way or close it all the way. The motor will run forever unless you disengage the manual opening nob and let the automatic controls do their thing. It has a rain sensor that is supposed to close the vent but I have not tested it since the automatic controls are buggy. If you get a fantastic vent just get the manual.
A standard feature with the house battery and 12v system is they give you a button at the far left of the overhead compartment(so you can press it with your left hand) which will allow you to start the vehicle from the house batteries. Sweet.
4D battery can run a 12v electric blanket for 8 hours overnight and have pretty much right on 50% left.

Ok lets get to the pics

This has not been scientifically tested yet but . . . at some point after installing the rain window thingies I noticed the pop out window behind me makes a whistling sound once I hit 60mph and increases in volume as speed increases. It seems to me that the rain guard has changed the air flow on the outside of the van and it makes a me a little crazy. I hate to rip em out if they are not the cause since I like them as far as their intended purpose.

Heres where the raer AC dumps out.

Relocated rear controls and somewhat closeup of passenger lighting

Dureing my move I need to be able to pull a 22' bumper pull enclosed trailer. Hitching up under the bumper to the receiver put the nose of the trailer way to close to the ground and I was forced to cut a chunk out of my bumper to accommodate my hitch in a higher position. I was in a time crunch because my landlord had failed to pay the mortgage for the past three years and the house sold at auction. The new owners gave my 90 days, in writing, to move out. After 60 days the Sheriff showed up with a 10day notice and informed me that my 90 day written notice didn't mean squat to him. I'm sure I could have got my 20 days if I went to court but it seemed like a waste so I left the bloodsuckers their house(in one piece) although I didnt bother with those 2 dump runs I had been planning. Anyway here is the bumper.

Ok, thats all for now. Shoot me some questions and let me know what you want more pics of.
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Sound like it's been a stressful time for you. I hope things have settled done enough so you can start to enjoy your camper van. I'll wager that some of your children's best childhood memories are going to include this van. Have fun with it.

89s rule

Did CCV do your top setup?
I would have to agree on those interior lights, look like something out of an 80's conversion van.

I can't imagine having to move and find something that quick with 7 kids. We have 4 kids and 11 pets and I cannot imagine. Looking forward to hearing how you guys are using everything.


Did CCV do your top setup?
I would have to agree on those interior lights, look like something out of an 80's conversion van.

I disagree, I stripped an 80's conversion van for a stealth dirtbag climber habitat van, and they were way less intrusive than these. Much lighter lighting can be had and it isn't going to break the bank.


Those are the typical Sportsmobile interior lights. They are big but dang handy. I would recommend LED bulbs for them and they won't drain your batteries when the kids turn all 15 on at once. Also, those suckers get HOT with incandescent bulbs. I would keep em. I have them in my SMB and have grown to like them.
Nice van, enjoy!


I am trying to decide if I am going to keep my rear AC/heater unit as I move forward with my build. It's getting a 24" bubble top and I was thinking I could repurpose mine like yours was done. How is it working? Do those 3 small vents get air moving in the back? I was also planning on some form of vent into the top as well...


The three vents move air just fine and are a good size(larger then the dash vents), I guess that doesn't show well in the pic. The stinky thing is they are not overhead so you cannot direct them right at your face if you want.


nice build dude! i noticed that you have the diamond 4" exhaust that i wanna buy for my rig. do you live in a smog area of california? had any problems with it?

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