I have been considering the external HD idea as well. Please let us know if anyone tries it out first.
there are no current Android apps that offer topo/trail maps in a smaller vector format, they all use raster image tiles. this means that each zoom level is exponentially larger than the previous, so it's easy to chew up GB's. hopefully Garmin, Delorme, or National Geographic will eventually release their vector based topo maps in Android app form.
side note, Orux Maps is free (or donation based), and is far superior to Back Country Navigator in many respects. however, i found the 500MB limit per map database quickly created an unmanageable list of saved maps, so i'm not currently using it. someone mentioned that you can change this limit, please let me know how if you see this.
Orux supports Garmin vector maps. The whole state of utah takes up 153MB on my phone.
i have scenic maps on my ipad mini. i have the eastern US map version. uses 2.1gb
First impression of Memory Map. slooooooooooooooow. Also, they don't have the version for Mac to upload Maps to your iOS device only for PC. I zoomed out to look at a different section in UT and thirty minutes later it has yet to load. Not worth it.
I was on a trip this past week and decided to venture off into the Grand Staircase Escalante NM, and so I needed a solution for maps quickly. I have BCN Premium with the Accuterra premium maps, but I tried and tried to get it to download the area maps and it was just painfully slow. Finally, I gave up and just used Google Maps.
Google Maps is so underrated! How come no one is talking about using it? It lets you download very large areas for offline use, I downloaded about 3/4 of the state of Utah's Google Terrain maps, and it took up about 85MB with all the terrain info, trail names, etc. You can also download multiple sections in different sets to complete an entire state, so the download limitation is not really a limitation, so much as a file size limit. I was able to quickly download all of UT, CO, NV in a few minutes. I used the maps while out of service range, and they had all the details I needed.
For all the money I dumped into BCN and the premium maps, when I really needed something to work, work well, fast, and with lots of states, Google Maps got the job done faster, better, and free.
I was on a trip this past week and decided to venture off into the Grand Staircase Escalante NM, and so I needed a solution for maps quickly. I have BCN Premium with the Accuterra premium maps, but I tried and tried to get it to download the area maps and it was just painfully slow. Finally, I gave up and just used Google Maps.
Google Maps is so underrated! How come no one is talking about using it? It lets you download very large areas for offline use, I downloaded about 3/4 of the state of Utah's Google Terrain maps, and it took up about 85MB with all the terrain info, trail names, etc. You can also download multiple sections in different sets to complete an entire state, so the download limitation is not really a limitation, so much as a file size limit. I was able to quickly download all of UT, CO, NV in a few minutes. I used the maps while out of service range, and they had all the details I needed.
For all the money I dumped into BCN and the premium maps, when I really needed something to work, work well, fast, and with lots of states, Google Maps got the job done faster, better, and free.