MotionX is excellent on the iPhone. I can only imagine it would be outstanding on the iPad. Coupled with a jailbreak-connected external BT (SiRF III or better chipset) GPS receiver it would really be long as the app recognizes it.
This is a post that I just made in the GPS Hardware Section:
Yesterday I drove from Ridgway to SLC using my iPad wifi only and new Bad Elf GPS. My software of choice was Motion X Drive the iPhone version as you cannot download the new sweet iPad version unless you you have the iPad 3G version??
The setup was easy, but found out right off the bat that you will have to have an active hot spot in the vehicle to get anything more than the most basic map. Once I activated my Verizon Hot Spot the Motion X software came to life and the message on my screen about no live maps available disappeared.
The iUI was fun to play with along the route and well thought out, but the ipod section to play your music thru works only in portrait mode and we couldn't select our playlist so we had to play one song at a time.
Now for the Bad-Elf part of the deal! Over the period of 6-7 hours the software told me that my iPhone had lost its GPS signal and to make sure that the GPS had a clear view of the sky. Our iPad was installed on the windshield with our new Ram Mount and had a clear unobstructed view of the sky, or as much as it was ever going to have. This would happen every 5-10 minutes and got to be very annoying! I couldn't figure if this was the GPS or the software having a problem or both?
The other thing that I noticed about the Bad-Elf was with the charger. If you have ever seen the little GPS device you will notice that the with it connected to your iPad thru the 30 pin connecter you only have a very small mini usb port available to charge your iPad. The small mini usb port is located on the bottom of the Bad-Elf and at best provides a loose connection for charging. Combine the loose connection with normal driving and it is a challenge to keep juice in you iPad. Upon arriving in SLC we noticed that we were down to 57% power, but the charger had been plugged into the Bad-Elf all day???
So after the first day of use in a real world driving situation I would say not very happy with the Bad-Elf.