Jack's 2002 Nissan Xterra Build & Adventure Thread

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
Might I make another suggestion?


Lighter and easier to pack than a RTT, costs less than a trailer, and would theoretically allow for enough roof space for the other toys. Deploys in about 30 seconds. The downside is you'd need to find somewhere to stash your bedding. But it's an idea.

Thanks for that info, I've never seen that before! Due to some unforeseen financial priorities, the trailer is going to have to wait until next year. And as much as the RTT can be a pain, it's worth it once it's finally done. I figured out a safe way to make it work with the DepHep rack, so I'm going to look into that this weekend with this warm front we have.

Are you going to build your own? Was looking on Craigslist last week and I saw they had tiny enclosed trailers some like 4x5 aluminum chassis. I'm sort of leaning towards a aluminum trailer the Xterra isn't known for its power its already bad especially at altitude I had to shift to 4 low just to roll up the pavement on Pikes peak wouldn't pull 1st gear.

The aluminum would be really nice, definitely for the poor 3.3L. I'm going to figure out the rest of my options over the summer to see what I want & need, and the trailer is first thing on the list for 2016 :)

Other than that, spring is finally here and I can finally rise from hibernation to get outside. I have some goodies on the way...

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
Goodies have arrived! ARB awning, Tread Lightly! Trasharoo, CVT ladder extension, Nemo Helio shower setup, and full BioLite setup. Also installed the front mud flaps because they don't rub like I thought they would. Success!





Need some help with this awning and the rooftop tent. Going to try to describe it the best I can without pictures.

The way it sits now on the DepHep rack, the rails for the tent interfere with the mounting brackets for the rack (not a fault from either manufacturer). I think I’ve found a solution – re-drilling the holes into the floor of the tent to move the rails on the tent inwards, so that I can properly attach the tent to the crossbars of the rack (it would only need to be moved an inch). I think I’m also going to reinforce the nuts / washers on the other side of the floor (under the mattress) because thinking about the fact that four nuts are holding the tent onto the rails at 65MPH is concerning.

That being said, the overhang of the tent has, and always will be, excessive. I’ve grown used to it. CVT offers their own awning that mounts directly to their tents, but my ARB is essentially identical (aren’t they all?) and I think I can mount it to my tent. I can’t see any negative sides to that, since it’s removable and I can use the awning on another vehicle if needed (or store it separately).

Here is the CVT mounting solution from their site (CVT tent and awning pictured) -


I think I can make this work.

Any opinions / thoughts on my thoughts would be appreciated in case I’m overlooking anything!


pew pew
Those are some awesome goodies! I love my ARB awning and Trasharoo and use it whenever I can!

The mounting solution seems plausible. I'm wondering if it's possible to mount it literally right under the CVT? Is there enough room for the awning to fit without interfering with door operation? Personally, I'd rather keep the awning as close to the vehicle as possible since the RTT already protrudes so far out. Plus it can snag on a tree branch and be ripped off its mounts ruining the tent floor. Just a thought.

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
With the RTT sitting right on the rails, there's really no room to mount the awning there. Looks like I'm going to have to mount it to the tent floor. Going to put a piece of aluminum on the tent floor (under the mattress) to brace it. I'll have to be extra cautious on the trails. We'll see how it goes! I've got a trip planned in a few weeks for a trial run.


Supporting Sponsor
Now that spring & summer are right around the corner, I'm having a bit of a configuration issue for traveling and taking everything I want to take.

Initial plan was to have an expedition trailer built, which would house:

  • CVT rooftop tent, which needs to be on a rack tall enough to use the annex
  • Full-size spare tire, set to match the same wheel pattern and size of the Xterra tires
  • Rotopax fuel canisters and Rotopax water containers
  • 2" receiver for my bike rack to bounce around on the back

The Xterra was going to have two kayaks on the roof, and an awning installed as well. If I position them properly, I can also toss firewood into the DepHep cargo rack in between the kayaks.

This configuration has been in my head for months, and it's perfect for my girl and I to load up our dogs and go everywhere for a week at a time. Of course, not every trip is going to be biking AND kayaking, but it's easy enough to bring both.

That being said, I started to think about how much that type of trailer is going to be used. Realistically, it will be used almost every weekend over this coming summer. With the rooftop tent removed, I can also use it as a utility trailer. The thought crossed my mind to switch things up a bit and leave the rooftop tent on the Xterra, which has its pros and cons - the biggest con being stationary after camp is set up. I like the idea of dropping the trailer and being able to run into the nearest town if need be. If I were to leave the rooftop tent on the Xterra, I'd have to look into another rack system other than the DepHep. I've commented before that the DepHep isn't necessarily designed to house a rooftop tent, so the flaw isn't with the rack at all. It's a pain to bolt the tent down using the bolting system that CVT provides (also not a CVT flaw). The only issue I have with this is the design of the stock roof rails and the massively over-hanging rooftop tent, because of how far above the actual roof it sits. If I were to take the DepHep rack out and replace it with some Thule crossbars any time I used the rooftop tent, it would sit even higher off the roof. I don't like messing with COG like that.

I looked into one of those Yakima "Rack and Roll" trailers, but they were surprisingly over $2000. I liked that idea because it can house two kayaks and two bikes with no problem, and I wouldn't have to lift two kayaks up onto the roof of the Xterra.

All that being said, I'm leaning back towards the expedition trailer. I think it makes the most logical and practical sense.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

We do offer another option...
CVT BaseCamp,Spider Rack, Cascadia Vehicle Tents, Best RTT,Camping,Truck,Car,UTV,.JPG


ARB makes awesome gear. I think I'll end up with one of their awnings.

I think it's a really good idea to add bracing if you're going to bolt it through the tent floor. I'd be awfully nervous about doing it without. You might want to think about getting a third L bracket for extra support, those tent floors are a pretty thin gauge aluminum. If you can suck it really close to the tent I don't think you'd have too much of a problem on the trail.

Best of luck and keep us updated!

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
ARB sent enough hardware for their recommended 6 mounting points, so I do have three L-brackets for the recommended amount of support. That sucker is 20lbs, so I'll be making sure it's super stable.


ARB sent enough hardware for their recommended 6 mounting points, so I do have three L-brackets for the recommended amount of support. That sucker is 20lbs, so I'll be making sure it's super stable.

Haha well good! I have full confidence that you'll do something cool. Yours is my favorite X build I've ever seen.

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
Still trying to get the awning mount sorted out. Should be able to dedicate some time to it this weekend.

Picked up some Thule J-cradles for the kayaks I have coming soon. Getting antsy!


Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
Figured out the awning mount, thanks too an extremely helpful suggestion to mount it right to the DepHep mounting brackets. Nice and sturdy. And works in conjunction with the lights, J-cradles, and all. Should even be fine with the rooftop tent on it.


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