She's back

The van is back in my driveway after two years.
Unfortunately Lost…Again, the owner has past away, a victim of a biased, relentless judicial process that stripped him of fatherhood for no reason at all other than the imagined fear of a vindictive almost ex-wife and her bulldog, man-hating lawyer. Tom took his own life rather than face life as a felon after 33 years of honorable service and numerous deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Who would think that trying to see your boys after 13 months time and just a few miles distance could lead to an FBI SWAT team raid on your house (lived on the NH Vermont border, crossed the state line), and an eventual sentence of 14 months in a federal prison. Rising from an enlisted man to a Navy Captain is meaningless if the local police wanna-be's think that your being a veteran Explosive Ordnanceman with a whiney wife equates to the uni-bomber. The restraining order was issued based on his "special skills" and not a single incident of abuse.
Enough on that, but I just spent a year fighting in court to keep the ***** from getting the van. Tom left it to me in his final E-mail and a signed (but not with two witnesses) statement.
I'm waiting for the SWAT team to show up at my house any minute! That would be funny if not so true and scary.
Back to the van. It is great, 2003 was the last year for the 7.3L power stroke, wouldn't meet emission specs so away with a million mile motor, Quigley 4X4, and Tom had every pice that could be brought back to new replaced. It was a labor of love for Tom, new air-ride seats, compressor system, stereo, he had it lifted, added Toyo Tires and powder coated wheels. The top, I am happy to say works really well and she opens up and closes in about 90 seconds. I know Tom got great enjoyment out of it, used it on a few off-road motorcycle trips, and for that I am very happy.
There are still a few upgrade plans now that we know the concept works.
-New top- the cap- just the very top- will be rebuilt. There are some stressors from the gas struts that have been beefed up, but need to be addressed at the structure. The new top will be made out of all marine grade materials and much greater detail. First time through we just needed to see if it would work.
-10,000lbs Warn Winch. I bought it for my larger RV but think it will go well on Jakur.
- Webasco diesel stovetop. I pulled it out of my larger RV because Shachagra produces so much electricity that an induction stovetop replaced it. It will go well in Jakur. I am going to remove the LP heater and LP tank, go all diesel.
- Rearrange the interior just a bit and finish the trim and window coverings.
That's a start, I'm trying to figure out a way to carry a zodiac on the back without a trailer (I'm just not into trail bikes)
I'll bring the upgraded Jakur to the Expo next year- Tom tried to do it two years ago. better late than never. RIP Tom, I'll finish the project and my family and I will think of you always.