jumping jack trailer.. anyone used one?


We ventured into a Sportsman's Warehouse here in town, and they had the Jumping Jack tent trailer on display. If you dont know what it is, it is essentially a small landscaping style trailer with a tent mounted to it. it has 2 good sized beds and a table inside it. the tent folds down nicely with storage available on top of the folded up tent. looks rather easy to setup, and take down. I was curious if anyone has used one or not. i was half tempted to pick one up in the coming months, and doing a small lift kit and bigger tires. Anyone have any experience with it?

here is the manufacturers website..


i never used it. I bought it, cleaned it up and sold it.

Pretty slick and well made. My only complaint is that replacement parts are REALLY expensive. The travel bag will wear over time and they wanted a lot of money to replace it. I replaced the carpet for $20 with a Home Depot in/outdoor carpet.

I was amazed on how much room it had on the inside.


SE Expedition Society
I have one that I got in July and took it out this weekend. Everything worked great - I'm a big guy and my only complaint is the 3" mattress. By the 2nd night my back was a bit sore but I actually slept very well. I figure another pad will make it great.

Trailer pulled great as well. Although not real rough roads they were dirt and a bit bumpy. No problems there. The ability to load everything on top is a big plus, IMHO.

I use a set of hot tub steps that give me a shorter step - much better on the knees.

All in all, I am quite happy with my JJ. If you plan on roughing it without refinements it will be perfect. It will not be destroyed on a rough road. If you plan on KOA type campgrounds, you might want something else although it will work just as well there.

Check back tomorrow - I'll have pictures posted by then.


thanks guys. and why would i not want it for a KOA campground, not that i ever use campgrounds.... i go for the out of the way make my own camping spot type place


The Jumping Jack is a well-designed trailer that works well for a small family that is not looking to do serious off-roading with it. It is designed to carry two ATVs on the top, so it opens a nice niche for someone that wants to use ATVs, kayaks, or a large volume of stuff in conjunction with a decent sleeping platform without going to the expense and towing needs associated with a toyhauler. It pulls well with most vehicles, and is quite comfortable. I had been a ground sleeper in various tents before I got mine, and I really appreciated the comfort of the beds and roominess when I upgraded. With the inside table, it also makes a nice bug-free spot to eat, play cards, or whatever. The canvas is very durable and has handled several days of hard continuous rain without significant leaking. It takes wind quite well too without deforming much or making a huge amount of noise. I even used it to carry my Haflinger at one point--and that is over 1500 lbs. It isn't the most comfortable or the most trail-capable trailer, but it is a good compromise for the price and features.



New member
We have owned the JJ since february 2008. We have now put over 6000 miles on it and absolutely love it.

We bought hard plastic boxes all of the same size to house all of our extra camping equipment.

We love the fact that we can get off work on Friday, hook it up and be in a camp site in an hour or two and be set up in another hour.

The upkeep is minimal and it is easy to put up and take down.

Want to see a video of ours being set up, just search Jumping Jack Trailer on YouTube.


SE Expedition Society
I had mine out for the Thanksgoving weekend. Everything was great - we had some rain and some wind but no problem with tent or the trailer. I need to remember that just because the trailer will haul another 1500 lbs doesn't mean I have to put 1500 lbs of stuff on it ...:Wow1:

Here was our campsite in SE Tennessee.




Expedition Leader
anyone have any input as to heavy rain or snow? im in the PNW and we get alot of rain....

also id love to haul my dirtbikes with it. how hard is it to remove the tent and lid? how do you guys think it would handle with 500lbs of bike on top the the trailer?

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