KGH's Defender


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That's me to Tech Support. Funny, they spoke without an Indian accent.

Themclutch pedal bottomed out and stayed there. As we had booked ferry and cabin, we went for it. Made it no issues, and visited with Vis Auto Parts the next morning.

Great guys, the owner overlanded before any of us really knew what it was. He did Paris to Peking in 1997, driving a 1928 Buick on wooden rims! Still has his Chinese driving license.




4th of July in Germany is not a holiday, but I did have the day off. Drove the 2 hours NNW to Nakatanenga to pick up a cruise control for the Defender, and a few other items.

Peter was as always very helpful. We chatted vehicles, as they have some nice items about. A 130 HCPU is getting resto'd, and there are always Defenders and Discos in the work area. We also talked about how many American companies never replied to his inquiries for distributing Naka kit. He seems very happy to be allied with Jason at Series Defender Outfitters. I think this is a huge win formLR/Toyota/Jeep guys, as now their items are available in the US.

Got the cruise, the damper system for holding back door open, and discussed roof rack options. They carry Frontrunner and their own brand, the CargoBear.

I currently have the Howling Moon tent on Thule crossbar system. While this works fine, there is no place to hold other (lightweight) cargo. My big limits are height and quick release. Some Frontrunner markets used to have a quick disconnect kit, but I believe this is no longer available. When I mentioned quick disconnect, Peter got a sparkle in his eye, and invited me to the "super secret R&D labs". It is well disguised as the back of the warehouse.

Peter has come up with a "why didn't I think of that" solution to RTT quick disconnects. It will be ready for release in 3-4mweeks, I believe. I am sworn to secrecy on most details, but my order is in! Imagine 4 bolts to place or remove tent, and the option to install in either side or back directions of opening any time you put the tent on. His solution is basic, but with the quality and engineering typical of the company. CNC milled, well designed. It is designed to fit vitually any rack or cross bar set up. To quote Vince from Slap-Chop, "Made in Germany, so you know it's good".

Pricewise, a little more than one would expect, until I considered the actual R&D costs, the materials, and the fit/finish of the product. Like I said, I ordered on, and on the spot bought the CargoBear full rack system.

Modular rack, fitted all the pieces in the back of the Defender for trip home. Airline rail type slots everywhere. Lightweight, and modular. I will install without diamond plate, as he also has new decking in R&D, and it is even lighter.

Hope to have cruise installed by Friday, doing it in pieces after work. The fridge is in, the stove and kitbox are loaded. We leave Friday for a 12 day trip from Stuttgart down through Switzerland, a bit of Italy, and on to Nice/Provance.

It typical LR fashion, I am carrying spares with me, as my appointment for tranny work (gearbox, not crossdressing) is not until the end of the month. Clutch, PP, throwout, and the Ashcroft intermediate shaft kit. If it goes to pieces, we should be able to find a garage to put it back together.

Just recently, we had a discussion about the quick release for a RTT. It's just in a prototype phase, but something should become available soon. You can contact me anytime in the US as for updates. I know I'm not the closes Front Runner location to you, but I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.



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"Just recently, we had a discussion about the quick release for a RTT."

Thanks Bryan. I think the SA markets had them? I could be wrong.

That's what I get for not logging in for a few days. Hopefully FrontRunner comes up with a good solution. They usually do!

That said, I made the trip up to Nak and purchased their mount.

It came with mounts that fit into the aircraft channel style holes in the CargoBear rack that I have.

It will be nice to have the ability to remove tent. Parking garages, extra weight, wear and tear. And the ability to move tent in 90 degree increments is pretty nice.

I have had good luck with Nak products, aside from not having the right amount of hex head screws in my rack kit, and buying stainless headlamp rings that are just a tad bit off.

Ended up switching the Puma headlamps to the 300TDi so I could ditch the RHD/UK spec headlamps. Bought new rings as the 3 year old LR Genuine on the Puma were rusting. Ended up cleaning up and painting, will last until spring.

I also got the leather door handles, and enjoy not having plastic dig into my leg!


Let’s go already!
300- removed and re-sealed the floor pans, correct hardware, and I am still plugging away with the Dynomat. I need to quit shopping and just order a console.

Probably need to change all the brake lines for German inspection, as they do not approve of copper. Damn. If I have to, will change hoses to calipers at the same time.

Puma - First wash since the Germany to Austria to Switzerland through Italy and to France (and then a tow truck) to home again trip. I took the RTT and RhinoRack brackets off, trying to line up some guys to help me get the new rack on, and mount RTT with quick disconnect bracket. Washed and waxed today, noticing some chips and wear. Bummer.

Want to find right brake wiring connector to install the cruise control. Would rathe have a M to F pigtail with the splice in it than solder on factory harness.

Trip planned: I have a meeting in Oslo week after next. Drive up Germany, through Denmark, ferry to Norway. Wife will fly in (shes stateside right now) and we will do NOR, over to Sweden, and then back to Denmark and home.


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Finally got roof rack on, along with the tent base.
4 hex screws to remove tent, or orient over either side or rear.


Clearance: super low profile.


I have the diamond plate decking, but will swap that out for lighter perforated deck plates.

Put the Thule racks on the TDi just for kicks.



Let’s go already!

Writing and doing prep to truck is fun. Engle fridge in in, RTT is on it's new rack. Stove, kitbox, etc all good. Tools are loaded, because Land Rover. But it is more than just monkeying around in garage.

Driving from Stuttgart to Frederikshavn, Denmark was a long drive, the construction is all over. Left later than expected, 2 roadside nap breaks and I hit the ferry on time. I had booked a cabin, so showered and napped. Breakfast was included, which I gladly turned into an "all the bacon I could eat" experience. Defender is tucked away in the hold.

Ship has internet, so posting from topside. Rough crossing, pitch and roll. A few fellow passengers were puking. Stayed clear so I do not sympathy hurl.

Will get into Oslo tonight, work starts tomorrow. A short conference, will be good to see some old friends. Have some local buddies, so we will see "real" Oslo. Wife flies in Tuesday, and we will head out Fri at noon for some touring of Norway. Plan on going over to Sweden, south through Gothenburg, and then back to Denmark and Germany.

I really wish we had time to go up north. Nordkapp looks amazing. Check it out on Google maps, some cool pics.


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Random ferry shots


Landed in Oslo. Checked into hotel then went in search of the only tall garage in town, as street parking limited. Found garage, but it is being resurfaced. So back to my hotel, found a close street park.

Friends, hotel staff, and security guards said I was nuts to park on the street. There seems to be a large population of drug addicts who pay to play by breaking into cars for valuables. I unloaded a lot of stuff, and the fridge and pelican case are both locked with bike locks to cargo tie downs. Unrolled sleeping bag and covered all. This morning, no issues. One of the guys I am working with has arranged for me to park at the Norway Military Staff building, 1 block from hotel. So the Defender is safe for the next few days.

Note about Oslo: there is a ton of construction on roadways, and my GPS was not very helpful. I updated map prior to trip but the directions were wrong or roads just missing half the time.

Wife and I are discussing maybe shooting north Friday to see Northern Lights. We found a good aurora forecast app, and will be checking as we approach Friday. Need to get away from ambient light, and weather is also a factor.

Mercator map projection does not do Norway justice. It is over 2000 kilometers long. If we go north, it will only be for 2-300 kilometers.


Let’s go already!
Norway. Wow. Did a few days in Oslo for work. Truck was guarded by Norwegian military. Thanks, gents.

Conference ended yesterday and we set off for Bergan. Two hours of traffic and one of actually driving and we found a small campground by a lake in a small inner fjord. Nice, clean, and best of all we were 1 of three campers there. Woke up and did coffee and oatmeal, and hit the road. Pine forest and lakes gave way to amazing plateu. Barren, lichen covered, glacier in the distance. Unbelievably beautiful. Now for a few pics...

The route:

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Let’s go already!
And we stopped at random campground in Brat, Norway.

Unorganized Defender party!!



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This is the first fjord once you are over the Hardangervidda. This is the mountain plain. Amazing.


One of many bridge views.
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