Land Rover 2.0






Well after another 500 miles off pavement through snow, mud, icy creek crossing and even some dusty roads I feel like I can give the latest addition a fair shake. Moab received the largest snow storm in 39 years, temps were hovering at close to -9º which seemed like the ideal time to head out for some good old fashioned car camping.

To say that the OME NitroCharger Sport Shock performed as advertised is an understatement. The initial ride (766 springs in the front, with 763 springs in the rear) was a noticeable improvement with a completely unloaded vehicle. I was super pleased to find that after I loaded the truck with two weeks of winter camping, climbing and shooting gear there was only a small amount of performance lost, which is totally to be expected when loading up the white whale.

The only time I noticed any fading whatsoever was towards the end of a very long day on a drawn out technical trail. By drawn out I mean 60 miles of ledges, boulder fields, creek crossings, slickrock potholes and muddy stretches traveling at a good clip. With the weight of 15 gallons of fuel and 5 gallons of water it was swinging pretty good. The next day the shocks were back to their previous standards and didn't fade again.

Overall I have to give these shocks a big thumbs up with a vast improvement over previous incarnations of the OME NitroCharger shocks.


I can't believe you're running 766s up front on a Disco1. That's crazy stiff for how little weight you have up there. Is it moving at all? Shocks topping out?

I'd imagine it would be like a matchbox car with that heavy of a spring.
I run the 766 on the front of the 110 but that's with the diesel engine, mantec/brownchurch, Husky10 and spare tire.

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