I had a Series III Lightweight as a daily driver for about 7 years and sometimes had the spare 7.50R16 on the bonnet if I needed the space in the back. But that made lifting the bonnet/hood super heavy, and made a big difference to the weight of the unassisted steering. It didn't help visbility either. Not a preferred set up.
A neighbour has two of those ex British Army ground anchors and they are super heavy. The full set comes with what looks like a meat hook that goes into the eye on the stakes to help twist and lift them out. The twist for removal may be why they are multi sided (hexagonal?) not round to help break the sticktion?
Also, I think when I got to look around a lovely Dormobile (or Carawagon??) ages ago that had the rear awning thing on, there were holes in the top of the rear wall section for the extending rear frame bars to slide backwards out of. These were (I think) inside tubes fixed inside the roof maybe to keep them from bouncing while retracted and driving and keep water/dust from the interior? They also gave a degree of cantilevered support when out prior to the vertical legs being fitted.
And I have a vague idea that the over windscreen roof rack may have been started as an option on the likes of a Dormobile, since the pop roof excluded a normal roofrack.
I subscribed to LRO from about '85 for quite a long time then gave them away. Stupid. Reading back always reminded me of good ideas. So thank you for the thread