Land Rover ideas for Jeeps


Expedition Leader
Jerry can conversion to storage can, from the Land Rover forum:


There's very little written detail about the project in that thread but maybe this will inspire someone to make their own.


Kodiak Buckaroo
I have one of the German Mermite 'Jerry Can' food containers that would be nice for tools or recovery gear. I have seen 3 different interior configurations with one large removable, 3 horizontal removable, or 3 vertical removable.

It looks like they still might be available online? (Disclaimer-no relation to website)

They are true Jerry Can size (with a different style top of course) and are very strong, but also heavy even empty with the thick sidewalls.


Expedition Leader
How about a rack for your bonnet? Haven't seen something like this on a Jeep...




A Wrangler version could be done that wouldn't require drilling - it could attach to the hood hinge bolts at the back and to the windshield rest bumper holes a bit forward. Probably a piece of diamondplate should go under the rack area to protect the hood. Could look something like this:


The company that offers it doesn't seem to have a website but they do have a Facebook page:


Expedition Leader
The company that makes the bonnet nets I posted the other day also offers nets for roof racks which are custom-sized to a particular rack.


The net is tightened with cam buckle adjusters:



Quite a collection of stuff secured with this net:


Zoomed in a bit:


I like that the nets are custom sized for a specific rack and have cam buckle adjusters.

More info:

I did a little searching and found a company in the U.S. that makes custom nets: They offer lots of options. I haven't tried to get a quote to see what a custom net for a rack might cost - it anyone does that please post the results.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Cool idea....yet, the first thing that pops into my mind is product liability. If something comes off a roofrack, it flies behind you (separate issue for the drivers behind you). If something comes off the hood (@ 70 mph) and smacks the windshield it could cause the driver the react in an unforeseen way. Depending on finding of fault/negligence it could be costly.....still a neat idea for slow moving OHV's...


Expedition Leader
If a net like that in the last post is wanted, it's not expensive or difficult to make. I might start with these Home Depot 15' black ratchet straps, they're only $1.75 each:

What I'd do to make one: measure the size needed, lay out a grid of the Home Depot straps to those dimensions, staple the straps together wherever they cross, sew the crossed straps together and finally remove the staples. Pretty much any sewing machine could do this job. Let's say your rack could be well covered and secured with a grid of 5 straps x 5 straps, buying 10 of these at Home Depot is less than $20.00. Seems like a very cost effective way to get a very secure ratchet net for your rack.

I've got a few of the Home Depot straps here so I laid out a quick grid...


Paddler Ed

These are the nets that nearly everyone who has a ute has for covering their load in Australia; not only does the load need tying down, it often needs covering to prevent things falling out.

We use one to snig down the camper trailer top (saves a load on fuel!) but it also doubles up for the back of the utes so that stuff (firewood for example) doesn't escape.


Expedition Leader
These are the nets that nearly everyone who has a ute has for covering their load in Australia; not only does the load need tying down, it often needs covering to prevent things falling out.

We use one to snig down the camper trailer top (saves a load on fuel!) but it also doubles up for the back of the utes so that stuff (firewood for example) doesn't escape.
I like the netting in the nets you posted:


Joann Fabrics here carries polyester cargo netting, if one were sewing a net using the Home Depot straps the way I posted it wouldn't be hard to sew netting into it.


The net fabric is here:


Expedition Leader
Another idea inspired by the Rock N Road 4x4 nets - they offer these overhead cargo nets for Land Cruisers:



The Land Cruiser doesn't have roll bars, so that net has to screw into the headliner but here's an idea for a Jeep - make the net out of the Home Depot ratchet straps I mentioned in the last post and secure it across the roll bars using the hooks on the ends of the ratchet straps and tighten it with the ratchets.

Since the Home Depot ratchet straps are 15' long and the roll bars on a Jeep are less than 5' apart, the straps can be cut to provide the crosswise ratchet straps and there will be plenty left over to make the longitudinal straps. Staple/sew/remove staples like I suggested in the last post.

The ends of the ratchet cross-straps will wrap around the roll bars, and the ratchets will tighten the net so it supports the load very firmly and doesn't sag much. It would look something like this:


I sized the one in the drawing above for the LJ - I measured the roll bars in the LJ and a net that's roughly 4 1/2' wide x 30" long will cover the usable area above the horizontal part of the rear bars. Spacing the straps on a 6" grid would require 6 straps as shown above, so 6 x $1.75 = $10.50.

If you could use an overhead net, a high-quality, ratchet-tightened one for ten bucks seems like a great deal. I think the use of ratchets would make an overhead net much more rigid than a net with some other type of adjuster. Maybe I'll make one up to see how it works out - if I decide to make one I'll post step-by-step instructions.


Expedition Leader
I did a quick test this morning with a ratchet strap across the roll bars of the LJ to make an overhead net:


There's plenty of extra strap hanging down, that can be cut off to make the longitudinal web of the net. The ratchet could be closer to the roll bar (arrow) so it doesn't interfere much with cargo in the net, so that hook end can be shortened a bit.

The ratchet enables the strap to be tightened so it won't sag with a load; I think it would be much better than an overhead net with a cam buckle because it would be easier to tighten.

To proceed in making an overhead net, I'd shorten all those hook ends and install all the lateral straps as in the photo above, then I'd lay the cut-off ends longitudinally and staple where they cross the lateral straps. Once every cross was stapled, I'd remove everything from the Jeep, sew the crosses and remove the staples. Done.


Expedition Leader
Land Rovers don't show up in great numbers at SEMA but here are three I found today.

This one is basically a stock Defender, I'm not exactly sure why it's on display at the show.



This one's done in a beach/boat theme:




A cooler compartment in the floor. Also note the tailgate:


Another view of the tailgate:


This company is rebuilding Defenders to be better than new:




Expedition Leader
A few weeks ago I posted add-on pop-top panels for Land Rover Defenders; here's a similar add-on pop-top I spotted at SEMA for a Toyota:




Expedition Leader
Another alternative that seems to be readily available in North America - Gladiator Cargo Nets (formerly Gorilla Cargo Net).
I have been using the smallest size they have in the back of my JKUR and have nothing but good things to say about it.

View attachment 689538
Gladiator was an exhibitor at SEMA and I talked to them a while this morning at the show. I was impressed - their products are very high quality. They're not inexpensive, a 4.75' x 6' net with mesh is about $150. This image is from their web site, it shows how they put grommets at each intersection and it shows the mesh to keep small things in place.


If one wanted to DIY sew a net like theirs with mesh, this could mesh be used:


The mesh that Gladiator Nets uses is polyester, which is very strong and UV-resistant, just like the pet resistant net above. This mesh could be sewn in place to the webbing that makes up the net grid. Grommets at each webbing intersection wouldn't be hard to add either, these are available at Home Depot as well:


I'm thinking I'll DIY sew an overhead net for the LJ; if I do I'll add these features.

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