larger gas tank on D90


New member
Any recommendations on this topic would be appreciated. I am trying to eliminate the need to carry jerry cans by increasing the size of my tank.


If you don't mind the extra complication, you can add a saddle tank in the passenger seat cubby box. It's a standard UK tank that should add about 12 gallons of capacity.

Not sure who has it stateside, but I'd guess George at RDS and RoversNorth are both good places to start.


If you don't mind the extra complication, you can add a saddle tank in the passenger seat cubby box. It's a standard UK tank that should add about 12 gallons of capacity.

Not sure who has it stateside, but I'd guess George at RDS and RoversNorth are both good places to start.

I don't know if Rover Accessories still makes them, but I have a Dual Fuel Tank Kit (9 Gallons) by Rovers Accessories that sits on the underside of my passenger side with a skid plate to protect it. This is in my '95 D90, and I also have a switch right next to my seat that I can switch the tanks from the regular to the aux or auxiliary tank on the fly.


If you have a side tank, add a rear tank. If you have a rear tank, add a side tank. Get a diesel...I can do 1100 km in my 90.

Which year truck are we talking about as that affects the details? NAS or "rest of the world"?

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
Aerotanks out of Corona CA was the manufacturer of the auxillary tank that went between the frame and body on the passenger side that was sold by others. It's a long shot but Inland Rovers had one of their tanks stashed away, if you are serious give them a call and see if they still have it. I had a tank made that replaced the stock tank and gained a few more gallons.


If you really want to increase your range & don't mind spending some $$, I have a drawing of the saddle tanks I had made for my D90 (UK, RHD). They replace the origional tank under the drivers seat & also one on the passanger side but I had to relocate my battery to do that.

Modifying the front mounting bracket is easy.... cut the welds, flatten it & rebend the opposite way, then weld it back up. I also used an electric tank change-over solenoid to handle the fuel supply, return & gauge sender wires. Works a treat & you can switch on the fly with no issues.

The tanks will fit inside a Southdown tank guard but I 'squared' it off & reduced the clearences to squeeze a couple of extra litres out of it. Southdown also made a custom guard for my passanger side to match the drivers at the time. The tanks were fab'd in alum as they would be protected by the guards. You could get them made in mild steel or St/St to suit your budget.

Will post a pic laters when I get home.


Here are a few pic's of my twin tank setup :





I grafted a secong fuel filler into the passanger side using some parts I got from a scrap tub. Hope this gives you some ideas.


Expedition Leader
If you really want to increase your range & don't mind spending some $$, I have a drawing of the saddle tanks I had made for my D90 (UK, RHD).
If that's a general offer I'd be interested in them. They look like a really nice setup and I'd like to make a set for my D90. My email is in my profile.

What's the round fitting at the rear of the tank. At first I thought it was for filling, but seeing them installed I see that's not the case, plus you have an external filler neck.

Did you look in to using a filler neck from a Series at all? I really like the extendable tube on the Series trucks. Seems like they would work fine for a diesel.


If that's a general offer I'd be interested in them. They look like a really nice setup and I'd like to make a set for my D90. My email is in my profile.

What's the round fitting at the rear of the tank. At first I thought it was for filling, but seeing them installed I see that's not the case, plus you have an external filler neck.

Did you look in to using a filler neck from a Series at all? I really like the extendable tube on the Series trucks. Seems like they would work fine for a diesel.

Big coupling on back of tank is for the filler pipe, smaller above for the filler pipe vent. Bushing on side of tank for fuel return from fuel rail (3.9efi). Fuel pump & fuel gauge sender in top of tank.

Filler mounting rivited into the tub is a standard UK D90 one I salvaged. Matches the origional on the drivers side.

Few more pic's of the filler & pipe, extra braqckets welded to the tubular out rigger :








This is my rear tank (before finishing). 63 useable liters. I put in a later 300TDI exhaust to clear the rear area for the tank. I suppose I should take some install photos one day...


New member
Thanks to all those who responded to my request for info on a larger tank. I've been offline due to illness but intend to carefully review all of your suggestions


Beautiful work on the fuel tanks Andy. Where did you get the storage nets?


Thanks, a friend of mine back in the UK made them for me, he also built comp safari buggies in his spare time.

Can't remember about the nets.... prob at Billing or one of the other landy shows I went too back in the UK.... about the only thing I miss not living there now :~(

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