Last 2500 Suburban


Active member
So you now have two sets of bags? Whats the other airbag looking thing sitting between the axle and frame rail?


Active member
I believe those are the factory bumpstops.


Maybe, they look a lot bigger around then the regular bumpstops. Mine are somewhat cone shaped not completely cylindrical. They also look like they go from the frame to the axle with no space in between. Might just be the pic angle.


Space Monkey
So you now have two sets of bags? Whats the other airbag looking thing sitting between the axle and frame rail?
I believe those are the factory bumpstops.

Maybe, they look a lot bigger around then the regular bumpstops. Mine are somewhat cone shaped not completely cylindrical. They also look like they go from the frame to the axle with no space in between. Might just be the pic angle.

Correct those are the factory heavy duty bump stops. With the firestone airbag kit the factory bump stops come out and airbags go in their location. AirRide kit which I got and they sit on top of the leafs outside the frame.


Space Monkey
Got me a little trailer.

Well no so little, 24ft long box, dual 7,000#axles, and a couple nice touches such as a generator powerful enough to run a 240volt welder, 12,000# winch, ridiculously bright LED lighting inside and a builtin solar panel to keep everything charged and working even when not hooked up to the truck's 7-pin.


It's so cute, fuzzy and innocent looking. I really like those RAM rims, 1.25" rear spacers are not on in this picture.


I like this angle a little better, it dwarfs the Suburban. I did not have the airbags installed yet when I picked up the trailer so the rear end is sagging a little even with a 12,000# load leveling hitch.

To be continued. . .


Space Monkey
Curius why you dont add a leaf instead of air bags. Real 4x4ers never use airbags. Can I suggest BDS springs? Inexpensive and a unlimited garantee. I use them on all my rigs.
I would be careful flexing with those airbags. They are really only for pavement use and are notorious for tearing off-road.

You guys are absolutely right, these and most air-bags in general will get completely shredded to pieces with any serious or long-term off-road driving. Luckily for me this 2500 will never see any of those trails. With a 2" level/lift and 33" tires, giving me a 3" raise, I can barely clear the curb in most parking lots and can not go up or down two steps without ripping off the front bumper. This truck weighs over 1,000lbs more than my 1500 and with the leafs in the rear, torsion bars up front carrying all this weight I fell safer and more comfortable in a Honda Civic off road. To make this 2500 Suburban even remotely as capable as my current 1500 with 37s will run me in excess of $5,000 and I will still not be as safe, comfortable or capable.

Bottom line, this 2500 is not an off-road, or even a gravel road rig, it will remain my shiny, fancy, pretty looking highway queen that can pull a 10,000# trailer comfortably. However one day it might get that 6" lift, SAS and 40" tires.

To be continued...


Space Monkey
You may not choose to use yours offroad which is fine obviously but to say that a 2500 isnt as capable as your cut up 1500 or a honda civic is flat out delusional. I will take any one of my 3/4 or 1 tons on 33s or 35s anywhere your 1500 will go.


You are funny. First of all you are wrong, and if you still claim that your 2500s on 33s or 35s can hit the same trails as my chopped up 1500, then prove it, go to find your closest 6-7rated trail, run it and show me some pictures. Until then you just want to believe that you can. Or show me a video of your truck running sand dunes.

Anyway, your 2500 with 35s which probably has a 6" diff drop lift has less ground clearance than your 2500 with 33s and a level kit. Let that one sink in, or get your tape measure out and show us some pictures, lol.

I have run many trails in Death Valley in a Honda Civic and my 1500, the difference is about 3 times faster in the chopped up (read properly equipped) 1500. I have also run the same trails in my 1500 with 2 toddlers in the back and a friend with his 6year old in a 2500 Silverado, I was able to go twice as fast and twice as smooth, his kid rode back with me so he can recover from the rough ride.

The point is that I built my Sub to run desert trails. I have run 300-400 mile Death Valley expeditions in one day, which can absolutely can be be done in a 2500 with 33s or 35s but would take 2-4 days.

I can take my 2500 Sub on the same trails but it would be a ridiculously slow drive, to the point that it will not be pleasant.

I patiently wait for some pictures or videos of your 2500s in action.


Active member
Ive seen your videos, I dont see anything a stock truck with an added snorkel (for the water crossings)cant do.

Ill just use work stuff to prove the point since it gets abused even more and I dont spend hours videoing myself doing anything. We run harder gnarlier stuff than anything ive seen in any of your videos everyday at pursuit speeds (not 30mph) in Tahoes and 2500 burbs and f150s with 32 and 33" tires.
Your burb while mildly interesting is not the be all end all. I dont even see what you call "purpose built". You hacked off body panels, added a body lift and threw in the biggest tire that would fit, the same crap I did in high school. Just to run those desert roads you do at 35mph. It still has all the spindly little 1/2ton suspension bits that are prone to bend and break. Look at all the stuff youve had to do or added that is stock on a 2500. Then after all your trash talking 2500s, you went and bought one. Yet Im the funny one.


Well-known member
My travels arent about taking pictures of my trucks proving where theyve been or what they do. I never felt the need to impress anyone with my truck. Theyre tools to get where I want to go and haul the rest of my stuff. I usually save the picture taking for my family and the things we see, but just for you Ill see if I can dig some out.
He's not worth the effort. Let those who enjoy his posts do so, I think you can clik "ignore" and never see hisposts again.


Space Monkey
He's not worth the effort. Let those who enjoy his posts do so, I think you can clik "ignore" and never see hisposts again.


That's a great idea but he is doing such a great job bumping the thread.

Thank you for a great suggestion.


Space Monkey
Theres a reason the majority of fullsize expedition and offroad vehicles are 3/4 or 1 tons.

Lil delusional kia,

In the last 6 years running trails in the southwest I have not seen a single full size 2500 on the trails. Seen many 1500 Suburbans and Tahoes. Majority of the expedition vehicles I see are Jeeps and Tacomas with $5,000+ mailorder bolt-ons.

my gmt400 2500 suburban got rear ended by a semi truck

Darn, doesn't sound like your overpowered 2500 was fast enough to get out of the way of a semi, or even hit 75mph, lol.

And if your 1500 is so awesome why did you get a 2500? Why not a newer 1500?

I needed a highway queen that can tow 10,000lbs. I paid less for it than a same year same miles 1500. My wife did not want a RAM megacab, not enough seats for our family.

By the way you have exactly 1" difference of clearance difference over 35" tires and you angles are no where near a jeeps.

LOL, too easy, keys lift 2", and 37" tires - 29" stock = 8" divide by 2 = 4" subtract 6" for diff drop (oh yeah I don't have one) = 6" higher than stock, wow a true 6" lift who wold have thought.

Walking up a 26" ledge, the second tall part is 35", my buddy with 4 door rubicon w/4" lift and 33s scraped front bumper on the same line. I believe 26" comes up to your headlights in the 2500, and how exactly is it more capable?

I usually save the picture taking for my family and the things we see

Lol, still waiting. I wouldn't trust my family in a 2500 off road unless I want to get stuck really bad and work on that family building thing.


Space Monkey
As I stated your differentials have exactly 1" more clearance than a suburban with 35s.

Correct, my 1500 Suburban differentials have exactly 1" more clearance than MY 1500 Suburban with 35s. However when compared to your 2500 with 35s, I am sitting at at least 6" more ground clearance up front and at least 4" higher than your 2500 Suburban rear differential. So if you compare your minimum ground clearance to mine there is no contest, however if you compare my 1500 Suburban to on 37s, to my Suburban on 35s you are correct.

I have called you out every single time to prove me wrong with pictures, you have not sine you know you are wrong. Your unsubstantiated comments are providing plenty of entertainment and keep bumping the thread, keep up the good work.


Active member
Correct, my 1500 Suburban differentials have exactly 1" more clearance than MY 1500 Suburban with 35s. However when compared to your 2500 with 35s, I am sitting at at least 6" more ground clearance up front and at least 4" higher than your 2500 Suburban rear differential. So if you compare your minimum ground clearance to mine there is no contest, however if you compare my 1500 Suburban to on 37s, to my Suburban on 35s you are correct.

Do you not understand what a differential is? A 37" tire will give you 1" more ground clearance under the diff than a 35" tire. None of your other changes have affected your rear diff height. The only other thing youve done to raise your front diff is your torsion key swap.


New member
Lilkia nice truck and let’s get to the mods. I have a 96 cop model k2500 burb . Sorry you got a nut after you who thinks he knows what you should be doin. What’s our next mod?

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