LATEST PROJECT - Truck Drawers/Sleeping Platform


First of all, the carpet is not holding up. I need to find something that will be durable enough to drag tools around on, yet provide enough grip that my tools (and dog!) do not slide around all the time. The carpet was great ... but maybe a rubber surface would be better? Any thoughts or feed-back?

If you want something to keep tools from sliding and a good a purchase for the dogs paws, You might look at gluing some rubber roofing down on it.
It should be quite a bit lighter than rubber tiles and no joints to come loose.
Just a thought.


Wondering Wanderer
Bedrug makes a material that will withstand the worst damage you can inflict. I plan on installing a bedslide type roller in my JK and will cover with bedrug material on top for my mutt.
Bedrug makes a material that will withstand the worst damage you can inflict. I plan on installing a bedslide type roller in my JK and will cover with bedrug material on top for my mutt.

Yes, I had a bedrug in the truck before the drawers and loved it. Do they sell the material on its own? I would love to buy a small roll ...


Yes, I had a bedrug in the truck before the drawers and loved it. Do they sell the material on its own? I would love to buy a small roll ...

Yes , they do sell the material too. I bought a roll 4 years ago from them in Nashville. Can't remember the cost. I still have a large piece left. Ron


New member
First off excellent work!!!
You inspired me to FINALLY become a member :)

In regards to your heater issue at idle, I would start by insulating both the coolant lines from the engine bay to the truck bed. This should help just a little bit. It's difficult to see how you tied in to the cooling system, but I see that you used the existing heater core outlets... Did you tie the cabin back in? I'm sure you did, and this could account for your bad circulation. I would try installing valves to the cabin heater core for use when parked, that way more coolant makes it to the back. I would stay away from auxiliary pumps to save electricity and possible failures/problems. Another option is to build a rooftop solar water heater setup if there's enough sun. You might want to look into the rear ac/heater systems for extended passenger vans for other options
I'll definitely let you know if I think of another solution, but better pictures under the hood might help me out. If your truck is an automatic trans, does it have a trans cooler built into the radiator, or is it seperate?


New member
You should also check if your thermostat is closing at an idle, chances are it cycles between open and closed. Check the pressure by squeezing the main feed from the top of the engine to the top of the radiator. If its firm, the thermostat is open, if soft, it's closed. You can get thermostats that stay open at lower temperatures, but if you're in cold climates, it might not he advisable. If you did this in cold climates, you'll need to let your truck warm up very well before driving to prevent engine damage. Thermostats are easy to change and cost under $10.


New member
Also keep in mind that the engine doesn't produce much heat at an idle, so none of these will help tremendously. Installing something to increase the idle might be the best option. Tow trucks use them for the hydraulics, or if you wanna go cheap, you can cut a 2x4 to size and wedge it between the gas pedal and the driver seat. If you have a cable-fed throttle, the adjustment is very easy and safer, but if it's electronic you'll need a programmer. With cable-fed, you just need to add another crimp for camping so you can readjust when you're parked.


New member
Yes, I had a bedrug in the truck before the drawers and loved it. Do they sell the material on its own? I would love to buy a small roll ...

Go to your local farm supply store and see if they sell "Horse Stall Mat" is a size and thickness that will suit your needs. Most of them sell a variety of thickness and may sell it by the foot.


Horse Stall Mat X2

I second the horse stall mat, although it is heavy. It is heavy duty with good grip. My local feed stored sells 4x8' pieces for I believe $60??? I am also planning a drawer setup similar to yours (although not as well finished) and I am planning on painting or coating it with a truck bedliner product. That might be another option for you. Durable, water proof, good grip, although a bit "rough" on the skin if you are crawling around on it. I had a platform in the past that had carpeting on it and dirty dogs and gear trashed it. Another solution is to carpet with cheap carpet remnants and just swap out the carpet every year or two or whenever it needs it.

bronco biff

New member
On your hot water flow issue, the thermostat is not an issue as the heater hot circuit bypasses it. I would guess that you used tee's in your heater lines runnig the two circuits in parallel and the engine coolant is taking the path of least resistance and flowing mainly to the factory heater core at idle. You could run your lines in series having it go from the outlet closest to your thermostat on the engine to your rear mounted devices frst and then thru your factory core and see if that leaves you enough heat to adequately heat the vehicale under normal use or add two ball valves to cut the flow to the rear devices when normally driving and cut the flow to your factory core when your using your acccescories....Hope this helps, nice job on the rig!!

NOW RE-READING THIS I SEE greymatter hit this theory and you have ball valves!!
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Founder of D.E.R.P.
How did I miss this build. You couldn't get any closer to perfection. Great set up and work.
It is the Millenium Falcon of truck builds.


New member
I was google searching for ideas on building something like this, and this thread is what led me to Very sweet build! Thank you for posting all the pics and info. :)


Founder of D.E.R.P.
I was google searching for ideas on building something like this, and this thread is what led me to Very sweet build! Thank you for posting all the pics and info. :)

Welcome to EP
Now be ready to spend countless hours here on Expo looking at others rigs and trip reports.


New member
Hot water

Awesome build. Great job. I wonder if you have thought of using your water tank as a heat source by heating it with an exchanger while you are driving and then reversing the heat exchanger to heat the interior as well as have hot water when camping. You would have to insulate the tank to keep cold damp air off it in order to prevent condensation. Heating it to around 110F degrees would be a good compromise.

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