So I can forget about the little disc, and just download Chirp, plug in the cable and radio and start making changes? That would be cool. But what is the disc for then - why include it?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Unfortunately 9/10 of the cables on Amazon or Ebay use the older generic chips that require an ealier version of the driver (the software that tells the computer how to interact with the accessory). Windows comes with LOTS of drivers already installed, which is why a lot of things genuinely are plug-and-play. And this is the case with genuine Prolific or FTDI chip cables (that big bulge by the USB port houses a little microprocessor that makes the thing work). The problem with the generics is that they don't work with newer versions of the driver that Windows either already has installed or automatically installs when it senses the cable being plugged in. My Hammey senses are telling me that cable isn't a genuine chip (not a problem in general, just requires a little more work).
Another problem you'll see is that the cable will work the very first time you plug it in, but won't work on subsequent tries. Super fun, right?
As for the disc... that disc is in fact probably worthless. You're far better off just downloading the driver you need from somewhere online. Those mini discs are also a PITA unless you have a laptop (which physically clips the disc in place in the tray usually) or a tray that opens flat (as opposed to on it's side as some vertical towers do). If you only have a slot that you slide discs into you definitely should NOT slide this in.. it'll be a hassle to get back out and won't read.
According to the paperwork that came with my RR RH-5R, it says "Unlike most radios, with the RH-5R you can save a custom frequency without a computer and software". So my goal is to drop the lower limit of my radio (which is now set at 150MHz) to around 136-140MHz so I can get on the ham channels like they did on this thread:
Ugh, I'm sorry, but this is more Rugged Radio marketing bull****. The only radios I can think they could be talking about when saying, "most radios," is other business band radios that have specific frequencies pre-programmed in to them and are "channelized" so you only see "Channel 1" etc on the display, and they don't have the number pad. Business radios do this for various reasons. And since these RR radios come pre-programmed with a bunch of business frequencies... that's my best guess as to ****** that means. BECAUSE...
most radios like this one
can be programmed without a computer. If it has the number pad it can be programmed without a computer. Is it easy? Eh... yeah once you learn the sequence of buttons you have to push and what information you have to program in.
This is another example of why anyone who knows radios rolls their eyes at these guys - they're just generally full of nonsense.
It will be for simplex use on group runs. I don't think I'll be doing a lot of scanning channels; just set-it and leave-it. They designate a channel, I punch it in (if I understand this radio's ability correctly), and go about our merry way. If all this works, then I'll seriously consider a stronger hard-mounted 25watt or greater dual band radio like the one that was suggested to me on an earlier post. But I've gotta start somewhere (see next post by me).
And I just ordered a technician book on Amazon: Technician License Course Paperback – June 11, 2012 by Stu Turner. It had good reviews.
So yeah, for that run with that NWO group you'd need a ham license to operate on that frequency. Glad you're headed in that direction
Miklor, as mentioned before, is a great resource for these radios. Here's the reference page on the UV-5R: including a number of cable troubleshooting guides.
Also, there's a very good step-by-step here:
Bare in mind you'll need to use chirp first to open up the frequency set to the ham bands.
How to manually program a simplex channel
- Press [VFO/MR] and enter Frequency Mode.
- Press [A/B] and choose the A Side (upper display).
The A side must be used to program channels into the radio.
Programming data entered on the B Side (lower display) will not be saved.
- Press [BAND] for the frequency band. Toggle [BAND] to choose 136 MHz (VHF) or 470 MHz (UHF).
If the incorrect band is chosen for the frequency entered in Step 5, the radio will cancel the operation.
- Disable TDR (Dual Watch/Dual Standby).
Press [MENU] 7 [MENU] [press up/down arrow keys] OFF [MENU] [EXIT]
It is highly advised to turn TDR off when programming directly from the radio.
- Enter the frequency.
Use the keypad to enter the frequency into the radio.
- optional - Enter the transmit CTCSS/DCS code.
CTCSS - [MENU] 13 [MENU] [enter/choose code XXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
DCS - [MENU] 12 [MENU] [choose code XXXXX] [MENU] [EXIT]
- Assign the frequency to a channel.
[MENU] 27 [MENU] [enter channel number XXX] [MENU] [EXIT]