I like that set up, Bob.
For those wondering why bother with drawer systems and the cost -- here's an anecdote for you.
2 weeks ago I was camping near Salem, Oregon while also attending a business conference. I parked at 1:00, and went into a meeting. At 5:00 I returned to my vehicle, which was in an allegedly secure conference centre parkade (there were even police cars parked there!), my rear passenger window was smashed and over 5 thousand dollars worth of my belongings had been stolen. All of my camping gear was previously stored in watertight bags -- not totes like someone had suggested but near enough -- and the thieves made off with all of my camping gear as well as some work-related stuff (suit, dress pants, etc.).
Lockable drawers would have mitigated that loss a great deal. Insurance will kick in for some, but I'll be out of pocket about 1400 bucks (not including my time and inconvenience) due to this little mishap.
That's how I found this thread. I'm building drawers before I get new gear!
Obviously this is less of a problem in the outback, but if you need to travel or stop near any populated areas (as many of us often do) this is a major consideration.