Nice work. You just have me an idea for my tablet. Thanks
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
No, I was thinking making a pod for the tablet kinda the way you did your door speakers, except for my dash.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
I bought 7 LED's including a 42' Light bar that I planned to mount on my Rhino Rack and needed a switch plate. I found a company, Concours Specialties in Ohio and spoke to the owner Greg about my needs..... I wanted a complete plug and play system... The plan was to mount a relay box in the back of the Cruiser and run power wires from my second battery... The relay box was setup to run 7 LEDS, 2 12v in front and one in the rear for a fridge..and a USB in the front..All the accessory plugs are consent hot..
The relay box also had 12 ft of wires that ran to the switch plate.... all I had to do was plug in the connector and another set of wires that ran through the the roof via a cable gland and a waterproof connector for the roof lights.
I sent Greg my front center console and he sent me this.
Where did you get that black plate in front of the shifter?
My favorite 3rd gen 4Runner mod...field monitor unit from a Hilux Surf from Japan or New Zealand. We were never offered this option in the states, so just find this from a wrecked Surf (4Runner) overseas and you'll get a compass, altimeter, barometer, outside temp and trip altimeter. Perfect fit and minimal work, best interior mod I have done by far and works great after 2 years.