back woods
Is that an F850??
It is an F700, 12 valve 5.9 Cummins, 6 speed transmission, air brakes, dump bed.
Is that an F850??
Wow, that's a lot of tire on the stock IFS. No problems with it? I was scared to put 35s on my Burban, and I think that's the same runnning gear...
Good looking rig though!
oh man I have a soft spot in my heart for powerwagons...
I was driving my M35 through Moab and stopped to fuel up... I saw either the park ranger or maybe the sheriff's office (cant recall) gassing up their powerwagon at the fuel stop. I wish I had the dinero to buy one....very cool rig sir!
My rig at this last spring's BMR in Disney, OK...
you drug your PW up miller!? very nice! lots of 3 point turns?
Not too bad, I only remember a couple. What there was a lot of was getting out of the truck to see what was dragging...